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Elemental Magic

Elemental Magic and Spectrum of Colour

Each element has a colour that it usually appears as. The saturation and hue and can vary occasionally, as these are only references for the average colour. There can be outliers: ex. blue fire magic. This will be discussed more in Personal Magic Alignment.
  In general, what people think would be typical colours for elemental magic are usually correct: water magic tends to be blue, while fire magic is usually orange and red. The magical spectrum follows ROYGBIV, with the exception of lightning being typically cyan. Typical colours for each elemental magic type will be mentioned in each element's section.

Personal Magic Alignment

Depending on a species' natural alignment (eg: weres and darkness) it may effect a person's natural mana and magic colour. This colour is linked to the very soul, and does not change once established. If a person's magic is a light blue, it will always be a light blue, even if they learn fire or light magic.  

The Elements of the World



The Element of Freedom

Air is an Element that is typically easy to learn, being one of the Main Elements along with Earth, Fire and Water. Most Air aligned creatures are usually labeled lax and carefree, as there are many cultures that claim the easiest way to succeed in using this Element is to let go of your worldly problems.

Air is a varied Element, having many ways of being used: From the gentle levitation on air currents, to the creation of tornadoes. More of the dangerous uses are complicated, and only someone with years of studying would be able to accomplish these tasks. The common colours associated with Air are light greens and blue.  


The Element of Void

Darkness is one of top Elements that is incredibly hard to learn, paired with Light in its difficulty. Most of Darkness aligned creatures are either demons, or Fair Folk and their descendants. The Element tends to have a bad reputation among creatures both magical and non magical; It is believed to be evil, when all Elements are technically neutral.

Darkness is an Element that is difficult to learn, and most of its techniques are secret due to that and the culture of creatures who practice it.The common colours associated with Darkness are dark purples and blues.  


The Element of Life

Earth is an Element that is typically easy to learn, being one of the Main Elements along with Air, Fire and Water. Earth is heavily tied to all things nature, and as a result is one of the more respected Elements.

The skills most Earth aligned creatures learn tend to be moving rough soil or rocks, or even something as complicated as moving sand as if it were water. The common colours associated with Earth are rich reds, browns, and greens.


The Element of Ferocity

Fire is an Element that is typically easy to learn, being one of the Main Elements along Air, Earth, and Water. This Element can easily consume all if left to its own devices, and quite often most creatures that learn or are aligned with Fire tend to be impulsive, loud and equally as destructive as the element itself. It takes plenty of dedication with this element to avoid being a danger to yourself as well as others.

From spontaneous fire creation, to breathing fire, this element is dazzling and ferocious. Many with this talent have burn scars, and a healthy respect for its abilities.The common colours associated with Fire are bright reds, yellows and orange.  


The Element of Stability

Ice is connected to Water, and while close, is considered it's own Element. While Water represents change, Ice is viewed as finality. In certain cultures it can represent death and the end, especially when combined with Darkness. It is difficult to learn, and most people learning Ice are recommended to learn Water first if Ice is not their native Element.

Ice magic still has some remnants of it's link with Water in that Ice magic can help soothe aches and pains; however not to the same extent as Water. While able to heal, Ice is similar to Fire in that it can be destructive and takes plenty of learning to avoid hurting yourself.  


The Element of Absoluteness

Light is one of top Elements that is incredibly hard to learn, paired with Darkness in its difficulty. Most of Light aligned creatures are either Dragons, or Fair Folk and their descendants. The Element tends to have an elevated reputation among creatures both magical and non magical; It is believed to be purity and all that is good, when all Elements are technically neutral.

Light is an Element that is difficult to learn, and most of its techniques are secret due to that and the culture of creatures who practice it.The common colours associated with Light are rich oranges and yellows.  


The Element of Speed

Lightning is connected to Fire and Light, but is considered it's own Element. It is difficult to learn, and most people learning Lightning are recommended to learn Fire first if Lightning is not their native Element. Lightning is an impulsive and hard to control magic, due to its speed and unpredictability. Anyone learning this magic must be patient and dedicated.

Lightning is similar to Fire in that it can be destructive and takes plenty of learning to avoid hurting yourself. Many people who have learned Lightning are covered in scars, an easy give away of their magical skill.The common colours associated with Lightning are blinding yellows, cyans and oranges.  


The Element of Change

Water is an Element that is typically easy to learn, being one of the Main Elements. (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Water is an Element looked upon to aid healing and spiritual journeys. It can change in a blink of an eye, being calm one moment and frightening the next; it should be regarded with caution. Water is an Element that is heavily linked to healing magic, and is often learned by healers.

While able to heal, Water is still a dangerous Element. Water is excellent at looking unassuming while holding the potential to cause harm. From making water flow to your will, to surrounding a foe with thrashing waves, it is an Element of potential. The common colours associated with Water are blue, purples, and teals.

Elemental Balance Chart

A table describing the match-ups of all the Elements against one another. X is Weak, O is strong and = is equivalent. Pay attention to who is in the Attacking column vs Defending!

Guide: = (Equal/Balanced), X (Weak VS), O (Strong VS)

Species and Elemental Alignment

A table showcasing the species of Isidoro and their skill level with the elements along with their born alignment. The following indicates the difficulty for each species to learn the elements.

Fae (Light)10/1110/1433
Fae (Dark)10/13140/131
Elves (Light)11110433
Elves (Dark)11314031
Note: Table indicates the difficulty for each species to learn the elements. 0 = born into, 1-3 = simple to difficult, 4 = extremely difficult.

Cover image: by ChaosTearKitsune


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Jun 8, 2018 13:30

I liked this article too, made me think about the Last Airbender! I'm specially interested in Light Magic, how does it work? I tried searching for more information in the world page, but I couldn't find it.   I have two suggestions for improvement:

  • Add the icons of each element in the corresponding sections. This way, they are easier to identify. And it probably looks cooler :P
  • The "Elemental Balance" table is difficult to understand. For example, is Earth stronger than Air, or is Air stronger than Earth?
  See you around!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.