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Eiraose Full Moon Festival


The Eiraose Full Moon Festival is a festival that is observed all throughout Isidoro in Eiraose, the last month of the year. The festival starts on the dawn of the day of the full moon, until the dawn of the next day. It celebrates the Goddess of Water and the end of the year, showing appreciation for the Goddess and all she's done during the season to allow growth in the new year.


This festival occurs in the month of Eiraose whenever the last full moon of the year occurs. Usually there is only one full moon a month but the specification is there in case there are multiple full moons in a month. For example if the full moon was to rise on the 29th, celebrations would start at the dawn of the 29th until the dawn of the 30th.


Daytime festivities are often more subdued, compared to the evening. The day is considered a more casual celebration, with fun child-friendly activities. Locations with more snow will do snowball fights, sculptures...Warmer areas may use ice magic to create temporary snowfall.


During the night celebrations tend to become more intense, with dancing and more extravagant activities. Streets are often full of stalls with food and drink, and small carnival games litter town squares. They reach their peak coinciding with the moon reaching its apex in the sky.

Tests of Will

Depending on the location, there are often tests of willpower that take place during the night. Areas around bodies of water will do polar dips, enjoying the rush of cold temperature. A general dare of younger adults and teens are bets for how long they can stay awake, pushing themselves to celebrate until the moon sets beyond the horizon.


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