The Court of Crows Organization in Iskara | World Anvil

The Court of Crows

"No honor among thieves eh? Well best not let the Court hear you say that"

The Court of Crows is the largest and most infamous thieves guild in all of Iskara and is dedicated to gathering and training those of a shadowy nature. Its main focus is the accruement of vast riches, priceless relics, and long lost treasures. While their activities are less than legal, for countless years authorities have tolerated their existence given their role as a "crime regulators", as the guild doesn't tolerate competition and more violent means of achieving their goals.    Like many of the other trade guilds, the Court consists of professionals, except these are professional burglars, pickpockets, lockpicks, robbers, smugglers, and other discerning operators. Such professionals come from all walks of life, from lowly beggars to more adventurous aristocrats, and given the guild operates across Iskara it has members from all races. Such members must follow a handful of rules such as: do not harm or steal from another member, do not kill while thieving, and do not harm or rob the poor.   The Crows have very few guild halls as the organization as a whole prefers to utilize safe houses, taverns, cisterns, etc. Where exactly their headquarters is located is known only to members and is a closely guarded secret.


The Court is divided into several chapters that operate in different territories across much of Iskara. These chapters operate as mostly independent cells, with their own style, reputations, and charm. While chapters have little association with one another they still fall under the purview of the Corvus, the highest ranking members of the guild who are chosen by Umbra, goddess of shadows.      Ranks   Corvus   There are only seven Corvus at any moment and serve as the highest ranking members within the guild. Each is responsible for overseeing the cells operating within a particular region of Iskara, for example one Corvus may be responsible for operating the cells within Madura. The Corvus are some of the best thieves, smugglers, pickpockets, etc. in all of Iskara and have earned their position through numerous successful heists and missions. The Corvus also tend to be more devout to Umbra and it is believed she will grant them some of her divine power turning them into Corrupted though the guild wouldn't use such a derogatory term. Such power is often granted to the three most crucial members, who are in turn expected to protect the interests of the guild and Umbra herself.   Guild Master   Guild Masters are responsible for their own respective cell and manage most day-to-day operations. They assign most jobs to lower ranking members and have final say when recruiting new individuals. As guild masters these members hold much sway in guild politics and can direct the subculture and character of their respective cells.   Shadowfoot   Shadowfoots are seasoned operatives that are typically tasked with difficult and risky jobs most other guild members couldn't manage. They are extremely adept at their crafts and work to hone every aspect of thievery. Normally Corvus and Guild Masters are selected from this rank and it is the highest position one can hold that does not require the management of other members. What sets the Shadowfoot apart from lower ranks is their almost supernatural ability to leave few, if any, traces. Where a footpad may leave tracks or trigger traps, a Shadowfoot would graceful traverse target locations, completing the task, and leaving the guards none the wiser.   Prowler   Prowlers are junior members of the guild who have proven through action that they are capable thieves but have yet to master their skills to the degree of a Shadowfoot. Most members hold the rank of Prowler and carry out most jobs the guild receives.    Runners   Runners are low ranking members who are responsible for relaying news, messages, and other documents between cells. While simple, this tasks is extremely important for keeping cells up to date with vital information. Usually there are only a handful of Runners per cell.   Footpads   Footpads are fresh recruits to the guild and as such are just beginning their journey as a professional rogue. They are tasked with the easiest jobs the guild has and will occasionally accompany higher ranking thieves to learn the ropes and improve upon their own capabilities. It's also quite common for higher ups to haze footpads, but that's all part of the charm for these merry bad of devilish rogues.   Affiliates   Beggars   While not officially a part of the guild, beggars serve as crucial informants. Ant thief worth his weight in gold would do well to listen the beggars and pay them for such information. The guild also protects such beggars, whether for the value they offer or for more benevolent reasons no one can say for certain.   Fences   Fences serve as valuable connections for the guild to pawn off stolen goods and find potential buyers. As a monetary lifeline for the guild fences are closely guarded and well supplied.   Smugglers   Smugglers, much like fences, offer the guild avenues to generate profit across Iskara. The guild is very selective when doing business with smugglers, especially those that run from Teldara to/from Ankar, as the pirate bands of the Ne'wale Isles are very fond of what the guild peddles.


The Court traces its origins back to the late Age of Strife, a period of tyrants and petty kings. During this time dozens of "organized" crime rings ran rampart across the world, the Court of Crows was but one such organization. Many speculate the Court gained the favor of Umbra and with her boons would slowly begin to gain territory, destroying or absorbing the competition. For decades the Court would go almost unchallenged, with only a handful of rings posing any sort of threat. Eventually the Court would solidify a monopoly on organized thievery and become the foremost thieves guild. This rapid expansion would be known as the Thief Wars, and to some the Pickpocket Wars.


The Court operates across most of Iskara, excluding Amdor, with several cells in every continent. In terms of competition the Court has very little, with most tensions only rising between cells. However, the Ne'wale Isles have proven to be a bit more difficult to maintain. As a haven for smugglers, pirates, and numerous bands of raiders the Court faces many obstacles and those seeking to profit off of their honest work. The guild faces many challenges in the isles to the point that killing on a mission, which is heavily enforced in other regions, is almost encouraged when the need arises.


Faith has an odd place among the members of the Court. While not specifically required, it is expected of members to pay respects to Umbra, for it is because of her that the guild prospers above all others. All members are free to worship whomever they wish as long as it doesn't hinder their work or bring unwanted attention to the guild as a whole. The Corvus are considered the most devout to Umbra as they have the closest ties to the goddess of shadows.
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Court
Leader Title
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Cover image: by Vlad Ogorodnyk


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