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Asif Malik Akeem Quarbi Aldih

The Chosen Prince Asif Malik Akeem Quarbi Aldih (a.k.a. Muejiza (Miracle))

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asif was born unexpectedly in the 1804th year of the fifth age. His mother and father had repeatedly failed to produce a child, and the principality was expecting one of Asif's cousins to take over after his father's death. However, a miracle happened and his mother went into labor at the age of 46. Asif was born a perfectly healthy baby boy and would be raised to rule as soon as he was 3. Raised under prosperity and wealth that resulted from Omar, his grandfather, and Akeem, his fathers, economic policies the young boy was poised to inherit the Principality at it's most powerful. Though as The Immortal's teach, wealth and abundance only corrupts the hearts of men, and Asif's Uncle Hamza was not keen to prove them wrong. He was exiled for his radical militant politics years before Asif's birth, but returned when Asif was 10 to lafitat marfuea (raise banners of war). Too young to lead soldiers Asif stayed in the Almuqadasa under the tutelage of advisors and Imam. His father left the gates of their great city, and as Asif waved him goodbye he felt, supernaturally, that it would be the last time he would see Akeem alive. As mailed faris and rabiya split warm blood on even warmer sands, Asif came within an inch of losing his life. There had been an assassination attempt upon the boy some magic creature, and it rampaged through the ancient, pious corridors of the palace. As it cornered the boy and stabbed it's impossible number of blades at him his mother flung herself in front of the attack and was slain instantly, her body rended into a torn mockery of a human form. Asif was found caked in the blood of his mother, grasping her unrecognizable corpse; traumatized, but completely unharmed. It is unknown how he survived, or what happened to the creature of 1000 blades. Asif was not the same after this as anyone would be. When told that they were to send word to his father Asif told his advisors "Do not bother. My father and mother are already together in our great heaven" with such grim finality that even the High Imam felt dread from otherwise pious words. In the next few days his fathers men-at-arms, The 3 Princes, and all the Rabyia and Faris able body enough to make the great pilgrimage arrived and Almuqadasa. Many faces were missing at the crowning ceremony. Many had turned traitor and now roamed the desert in exile, while even more simply perished in the great battles of Exile Knight's war. Nevertheless, all those who remained knelt before the High Imam and heir Asif. Prayers echoed through Great Mosque, radiating with glory and reference into the street of the Holy city. The people flung themselves to the ground, foreheads firmly on stoned tiles or rough bricks. They all peered up, praying and chanting in unison as the Prince was chosen not only by the people, but the gods themselves. All swore that day that four hands grasp the crown of the Chosen Prince, the boy born of miracle on the cusp of a golden age. That same day, the 1816th Mettleworth 3rd Day Fifth Era, the authithedral in Darheim Amatrace would explode, killing many high ranking military personnel and political parliamentarians. In the weeks after The Military of Amatrace launched an investigation, and blamed The Desert Principality for staging the attack. The Chosen Prince denied these claims without sympathy, much to the disapproval of his advisors, who suggested a more cordial cooperative approach. Within a year of the attack war was officially declared by The Parliament of Amatrace, much to the shock of many Ishalans. The Principality had just been through a brutal insurrection, now they faced their ancient enemy, unbound by the laws and precedents of the fallen Kingdom of Man. Asif called the Prince's to Almuqudasa to plan for war though one disobeyed him, and assailed The Republic of Amatrace in a full frontal attack. In the last 20 years of the on again off again conflict Asif sits in Almuqadasa, making plans with his advisors, and preparing to ride out to war.

Gender Identity

Asif is firmly secure in his male gender identify as understood by his religion and culture. He accepts the burdens and responsibilities associated with this, and has no qualms or questions regarding it. As a man he understands himself to be less pious and more material by nature, and often excuses his somewhat cold personality as an extension of this.


Asif recognizes sexuality and sexual expression as a weakness of men in his culture, and thus choses not to engage in any sexual activity. However he would be willing to in order to fulfill his duty as the Chosen Prince and produce an heir. To his understanding sex and sexual attraction is a distraction from his faith and his nation. He takes things a step future than his religion and also choses not to engage in any romantic relationships as well.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Ruling The Desert Principality
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
1804th Sunsebb,17th Day Fifth Era
Circumstances of Birth
A Miracle of Infertility
The Great Mosque
Current Residence
Masculine, Ishalan
Brown, almond shaped eyes
Black with white roots, short, well kept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Clear, vibrant, brown skin
Church of The Immortal Forces
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Asif can read and write and speak Mercantile, Elfish, Dwarfish, hafling, and lugha (Ishalan).  Asif can only read and write Nomidian Common, halfling, and gnomish.
Ruled Locations


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