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Eren Holiman

Patron of Vengeance Eren Holiman

Divine Domains

Eren's divine domain is the Vengeance Domain.  His portfolio includes Sholed steel, vengeance against god, and Yondres dragon riding.


The Sholed Steel Sword of Vengeance, Armor of The Dragoness, Sholed Steel.

Holy Books & Codes

This Path Only Ends in Death, Written by Paris.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eren's only symbol is that of a black sword incrusted with rubies being plunged into a white heart.

Tenets of Faith

Eren's Oath of Vengeance: "Be it by blood, or be it by word. Let it be known that this vow is heard. When faced with lesser justice or my greater evil, pray for the souls of those other wronged people. I might judge some enemies deserving of mercy, but that is not something of which my sworn enemy is worthy. I will hold true and strong to my morals, but no such conviction will stop me from my quarrel. Should my great enemy continue to sow their wrath, I must reap the pain and suffering of those caught in their path."   This oath translates to the following tenets:   My Great Enemy. When confronted with the choice of battling a lesser threat or getting closer to seeking vengeance on My Great Enemy, I chose My Great Enemy.   No Mercy for the Wicked. Normal enemies and pawns who cross my path might be deserving of forgiveness or mercy, but My Great Enemy must not be shown mercy.    By Any Means Necessary. There is no moral hurdle I won't jump to stop and destroy my enemy.   Restitution. Every evil committed, and every life destroyed by my enemy is directly due to my failure. I must aid these people no matter what.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Eren Holiman's goal was to seek vengeance on the god that caused his village to starve in his original world of Yondres. He soon realized that everywhere across his world gods committed injustices or held their power above others to exploit them. His oath evolved to slay all the gods of his world, and he was nearly successful, with only one escaping. Lotkni, the god of mischief and trickery. In order to aid in his goal he consumed the divine spark of one of the gods he killed and forged his portfolio, The god of sholed steel, vengeance against the divine, and Yondres dragon riding. Eren is only one of many Oath of Vengeance deities, and he selects those he presents his oath to carefully, favoring those looking for vengeance against the gods of their world. However, if someone can find his oath and has the proper conviction to Vengeance they can invoke it and receive divine power from it.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Searching for Lotkni
Current Location
Since the 3rd Era
Harsh red eyes
Shoulder length grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sunkissed skin
Oath of Veangence


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