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Hedron, The Demon Lord of Insanity

The Origin's of The Insanity

The 407th layer of the Abyss was once ruled by a Demon Lord whose name has been lost to time. He was cunning, quick thinking, and deeply magically gifted. His followers worshiped him for gifts of uncontrollable and terrible magic power, power able to lay waste to mighty tribes and slay the holiest of warriors. His spells were cast in chaotic nonsensical ways that even the most intrepid of wizards could not understand, while he and his most loyal worshipers found the method behind the madness of his magics.   There was, however, one spell that not even this Demon Lord could decipher. It was written on a piece of parchment in deceptively simply magic scribing. Whenever he would get close to solving any aspect of the spell scroll he would reach a discovery that ruined his entire theory. Worse still, it seemed that any new progress he made would invalidate older discoveries, only to then reach a new conclusion that would prove old discredited theories true. It was unsolvable to the Demon Lord, a fact that hurt his pride deeply. Randomly a thought came to him, perhaps he could use other intelligent minds to bolster the power of his own. He demanded his follower's capture and sacrifice of the greatest minds on the Material Plane so that he might absorb their knowledge and gleam truth from the magic scroll. This did increase the rate at which he could understand the scroll but also increased the rate that its chaotic rules and rituals began to make less and less sense. While his followers diligently captured the wizards, natural world scholars, and other gifted minds, brutally sacrificing them in hidden alters to their dark lord, The Demon Lord himself began construction of a grand laboratory on the 407th layer, a dark and fowl creation that would trap the souls of the minds sacrificed to him using their intellect to power a magical artifact that could most assuredly solve the scroll.   The Demon Lord did not know how the idea of the creation came to him, but such thoughts did not bother him, he was determined to uncover the secrets of the scroll. This artifact used materials of the natural world that had not even been discovered yet, as well as magic incantations and manipulation of mana thought impossible-no that were impossible, by the rules of the universe. Slowly but surely the layer around him began to change, his demons felt their minds slip from them, and their forms began to change. To speed up construction he ordered his followers to do strange rituals on themselves, altering their physiology. It only came to The Demon lord later that these rituals did not help him further his goals at all, and that the laboratory he was building was of a design alien to him. He reassured himself that only a mind as great as his could create something not even he entirely understood. There was one final piece needed, a mind of great intellect. . .his followers showered the world for one powerful enough. They raided psychic monk enclaves the new forms they had taken on overwhelming the minds of the monks, causing them to explode in a haze of brain matter and psychic remnant. His cultists raided wizard towers, just their presence alone warping the mage's own magic against them, tearing them apart from both mentally and physically. Finally, his cultists learned of great powerful intellect, Elder Brain Gamma.   For such an important battle The Demon Lord himself would leave the abyss to do battle against the Mind Flayers, the most powerful empire to exist up until that point in time. The planning took centuries, generations of cultists willing to become slaves to the Mind Flayers, their chaotic brainwaves too strange for even the alien creatures to fully control. Secretly in Gameron city, alters and summoning circles were built, all while Elder Brain Gamma, a creature able to read the minds of creatures in great areas and detect the presence of minds, was unable to penetrate the insane minds of the cultists. Then, in a demonic incursion that shook the Mind Flayer Empire, The Demon Lord ripped forth from nothingness along with his horde of demon followers. Many of his cultists could not recognize him, the depictions they were told about, passed down from generation to generation were wrong. What lied before them now was a mind-melting creature of pure magical insanity, writhing tentacles and eyeballs, limbs that detached and reattached, and one large eye that had teeth around the edges and that curved like some sick fowl perversion of a smile, too wide for even a creature of The Demon Lords size.   At this moment most of the cultists killed themselves, tearing their own eyes out or bashing their skulls against the stone of the Underdark. The ones that remained were broken husks of what they used to be, now numb mindless creatures that did their master's bidding. The Mind Flayers were affected too, their psychic minds most venerable to the insanity that approach them. Their heads exploded enmass, their goopy dark purple blood painting the once-great streets of their city, now overrun by incomprehensible demonic entities. The ones that were still alive either tried to run away only to be ripped to shreds, their corpses mutilated and violated by the demons and cultists, or tried to fight to protect the elder brain. The slave armies of the Mind Flayers proved useless, their minds faltering at the sight of the hoard, their organs ruptured from the sounds of the slaughter. The aura of corruption mutated the slaves, causing them to become piles of still moving flesh or black marks on the floor that shot out spikes of necrotic energy.   All fell before T̵͉̪͉̄͋ĥ̶͔̫̉̍ę̵͍̹̏̽ ̴̟̤͒́͒H̵̢̖̠͆̆e̶̬̮̥͑́ả̷̪̑͐ŗ̷͈̣͝ĺ̴͍̔͝d̶̨̞̬̑̾ ̵̲͒̉͝ȏ̶̦̪̀͜f̵̨̞͓̿ ̵̤͑H̷͔͚͌e̷͈̭̟̽͆d̶̹͎͈̿͘r̷̥̀ȍ̸̩̞ņ̴̉ The Demon Lord, many simply ceasing to exist as he approached. The Elder Brain shivered and writhed in terror, as the insane aura seemed to ignore the Elder Brain, a thought that caused it great terror. It repeatedly tried to read the mind of the entity that approached it, constantly failing as its mind probes met a wall of incomprehensible thought. . .until it was able to gleam one thought. The elder brain shrieked so loud that the other brains of the Mind Flayer empire could hear it ringing in the back of their minds for generations.   Not much is known about the events that happened when T̵͉̪͉̄͋ĥ̶͔̫̉̍ę̵͍̹̏̽ ̴̟̤͒́͒H̵̢̖̠͆̆e̶̬̮̥͑́ả̷̪̑͐ŗ̷͈̣͝ĺ̴͍̔͝d̶̨̞̬̑̾ ̵̲͒̉͝ȏ̶̦̪̀͜f̵̨̞͓̿ ̵̤͑H̷͔͚͌e̷͈̭̟̽͆d̶̹͎͈̿͘r̷̥̀ȍ̸̩̞ņ̴̉ returned to its master's layer. All that is known is that a great entity was born that day, Hedron The Demon Lord of Insanity. . .

The Insanity

Hedron, also known as The Insanity, is the demon lord over the 407th layer of the abyss. He has only one goal and will stop at nothing to complete it, in corruption of the minds of all creatures of the multiverse. He seeds people with aspects of his insane power, slowly driving them mad, and like a disease, such madness spreads corruption all. He is powerful, even stronger than Demon Princes, but does not concern himself with the hierarchy of the abyss, only forwarding his own depraved goals. He and his insane cultist worshipers give birth to foul creatures that prowl Iskudar, hunting and corrupting, many of which are powerful and hard to kill. There are, however, rumors of a group that captures and contains these entities, gods pray it be true, because not even the evilest of creatures could envision what a world ruled by The Insanity would look like.


The Psychic Insanity Lance, The Corruptor Matrix, and ń̴̢̡̡̮̥̫̲̖̘̘̭͔͉̯͈͚̘̪̻̫̍̿̓͐̉̂͘͜͝͝ę̸̧̡̨̛̣͖̱̟̥̞̦̻̮̝̱̮̝͈͈̗̘̺̄͋̀̄̿̄̂̓́̔̆̃͋͋̽͂̆̍̏̌̍̍̓̍́̀̉͂̀̑͋̚̕̕͘͜͜͝v̴̨̨̢̡̛̛͈̣̩̜͖̤͉̞̭͈͖̩̮̠̭̗̫̲̣̥̱͔͓̬̖̟͓͖͇͕̜̏̋̅̇̿̌̎̊͌̓̑̊̒͋̐̄̒̉̊̈́̓͛͒̐̈́̐͌̄͑̾͊̈͒̾͗̔̄̓̒̕͝͠ͅe̷̢̡̨̨̢͍͈̼̬̘͚̰̖̼̤͈͔̫̭͇̜̺̯̖͓̣̙̥̤̯̪̟̞̬̱̘͎͚͍͓̔͆̌̑̆̀̂͗̂̿̿͗̐̾̎̏͒́̈́͒̆̂̅̅̍̂̑̇͗̊́̈́̃͂̽̚̚͘͜͜͝͠͝r̶̨̧̢͍̝̰̤͓̙͓̟͍͉̹̠̯͙̩̞̰̯͍̗̻̪̺̮̻͆͆̔̿̈́̄͋̀s̴̻̆̎͋̊̔̑̿͐á̸̧̢̢̨̡̛̹͕̖̯̝͔̞̝͔͉̗̖̫̦͕͓̹͔̗̘̗̼̩͕̺̩͖̪͕̺̩̱̉́̿̏̂̂̇̂̅̊̊͒̋̏̑̋͂̈́̍̀͋͛̑͌͑͋̈́̒͊̀̏̒̚͝ͅͅẏ̸̡̨̢̛͖͈͚̥̫̳̮̤̠̻̖̖͈̰͕͉͉̘͉̏̅̑͒̾̀̀̃̂̎͐͑̃̐̓̅̈́̄̎̚̚̕͘̕͝͝í̷̡̡̢̛̩̭̤̖̰̜̭̪͚̻̜̲̹̭̫̙̙͔̯̭̖̹̤͕̖̫͖̬͎̤̗̟͉̜̣̬̱̱̘͍̠̼͉̈͌̈́́̾́͆̉͋͐͐̋͊͒͑̆́͆͆̾̂̈́̈́̑̂̽̔̊͑̋̒̏̃̕͘̚͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͠͝t̷̨̢̢̛͎̤̼̦͚̖̜̜̟̖̝̠̟̟͔̩͕͙̱͚̦̔͐̇̈̽̀͆̃̌͆̈́̅̈͛͌̈͗͂͛̏̆̐̏̾̎̿̂̅͆͊͆̚̕͘͘̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠s̷̛̙͚̻̮̱͓̆̉̈́̾̿̓̂̓̈̀͐͛̄͒̓͋̌̀̋̀̇́͌̽̓̓̈́͊̈́̉͗̍͌̀̎̊̉͘͠͝͠ͅn̸̡̧̡͔͕͉̮͍̭̝̞͉͓̹͈̮̝̹͈̲̈̎̓͆̌͌̀͒̌̓̽͘͝ȁ̷̡̡̡̢̨̧̛̜͉̠̳̩̪͕͔͓̠̮̪̺̖͇̬̫̗̣̞̙̺̠̦̖̪̯̲̩̙͈̘̳͔̮͍̣͖̻̺̟̐̈̔̈́͜͜͝͝ͅm̸̝͆̀̅́̅̈́̑́̈́̅̏̂͂̑̏̾̄̔̓̏́̓̒̌̀̿̊͗́͒̇̈́͛̄̈́̓̈̚̚̚͝͠͝͝͠͝͝ë̷̛̦̱́̌̿̒̔̔͑̋͛͒͗͛͗̈́͂̐̑͗̀̎̈́̇̀̀͘̚͝͝͝͝n̷̡̡̨̡̨͖̙͓̮̱̠̝̻̝͇̻̤̩̖̖̼͇̗͓̥̝͇̝͙̟̳̽͗͜ͅe̷̡̡̛͈̙̱̭̯͇̱̙͚͎̘̬̻̪̳̮̜̮̦̥̞̦̭̹̤̤̖̬͔͈̙͌̄̉̆̈́͌̾̓̏̾̃͂̔̔̐́̓̅̈̉̅̏̓́̓͑̾͒̃̀̋̅̈̋̓͆͐̽̈̑̅͋͘͘͜͜͠͝͠v̶̛̛̛̞̹͓̝̘̭͚̪̗̗͍̬̙͕̾̊̇͒̇̓́͂̀̎̑͗͐̋̈̍́͌̓͛̌̓́̔̑̀̊̏̃̌͛͗͊͛̐̓̔̋̈́͘͠͠͝ȩ̴̡̭̻͍͔̞̺͎͛̈̈́̄̈́̋́́͐̏̉̀́͋̑͛̒̑̄͒͂͒̍̍̆̿̉̍̓̓̓̏̽͗̈́̏̑̂̕͘̕r̷̡̛͓͓̤̲̰̣̮͔̩̮͕͌̓̑̾͋͒͊̿͐̀̃̍̎̀͌͌́͂̊̓̏̐̍̔͜͝ṣ̷̡̨̢̛̛̦̝̮͕̞͚̗͖̰̫̲͙̝̰͓̤̯̽͊̒͛̓̃̃͒̎͊͐̎͐̎́̎́͋̅̓̋̎̚̚͜͝͝͝ã̵̛̰̀͑̑͒̓̓̈̄̑̇͆̋̈́̑ȳ̷̙̹̳͓̝͉̪̞̭̤̘͓̱̣͆͗̊͌̑̃͐̇͊͐̊̾̽̚͘͜͝͠ͅi̷̡̢̨̢̛̛̜͉̘̮̹̱͉̥̹̖̻̘̯͉̼̳̤̥̟̖̞̬̟͚͔̘̦̝͕̪̳͉̦͎̾̒̄̈́͛͗̈̄͌͋̈́́̑͋̒̊͒͋̑̅̐̈́͗̂̎̿͋̇̀̃͊̅͂̆̇̅̇͗̽̕̕̚t̸̡̰̪̮̣̰͍̎̒̔̉̽s̸̨̢̡̧̛̛̗͕͉̲̪͉̼͉̣͙̖͖̙̱̜̩̬̠͎̠̯̮̖̠̰̘̺̍͗͋̊͊̐͐̍̈́̈́̆͒̓̇̏̒͋͊̍̃̍̆̀̑̋́̒̓͗̚̕͜͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅṅ̴̛̛̠̭̤̩̫̤̟͓̮̭̗̥̩̦̪̝̥̠͚͗̿̎͆̌̆̄͒̈́̀̈́̆̍̓̂̾̊̒̾͒̆̑͋͑́̈́̇́͑͂͑͛͗̈̕͘͠͝͠͝͝a̸̧̡̡̛̛͍̦͓͇̠̖̖̩̪̼̫̙͖̼͇̱͍̤̳̫̤͕͍͕͓̤̎̿̈̐̐̉̃̇̑̃̒́̂̃́̀͌̇̆͗̓͆̀͌̀́́͐͛̿̊̂͂̊͐͆̈͂̉͊̓͘̚͠͝ͅm̷̧̡̨̛̱̖̣̦̬̟̼̙͇̫͔̭͓̞̖̜̞̬̝͈͖̗̗̜̯̩̺̦̝̀̆͗̌̃̊̇͂̌͐̋̾̐̉̔̆͂̔͂̿̓̉̚̚̕͠͝ͅe̵̛͇̻̣̭̎̽͋̂̄͐͒̌͌͛̿͛̊̈́́͐̄͆̈́͌́͆̍̍͆̊͊̾̚̕̚ͅn̵̡̨̨̖͇̣̫͓̜̝̳̱̜̳̖͚̘̤͕̙̩̹̱̩̘̮̝̹̘͍̹̖̜̥̍̂̑̈́̀̋̎̀̌̋̄̄̑́̊̓̂̏̂̓̔͋̍͌͋̿̾͛̍̋̌̅́̈́̏̀̊̒̈͆͑̚͘̕̚͜͠͠͝͝ę̶̡̢̡̛͉̟̣̣̣̲̮̦͕͓͓̼̱̙̬̪͚̩̱͙͉̯̖̮̤̥̣̤̺̱͋̓̏̂̌̀̎̌̂̑̾̀̾͒͗́́͜͠͝ͅv̶̛͓̰͕̹̟̰͙͍̜͙̲̭͔̥͚̮̬̞̙̥͚̺̯͍̥̐̓̾̇̈́̓̏̅̈̄͛̈́͂͆͆͂̄̋̍̏̇̅͗̽͒̑̃͐͆̍͆̐͊͆͗̑͌̐̿̕͜͠ͅĕ̶̡̨͖̲̬̣̰̣̱̝̠̤̟̺̥͇̺͇̗̼̘̣͉̣̞̥̠̬̻̣̹̱̂̏̈́͌̒͑̌̄̋͒́̌̆͊̈́̎̂̃̈́̐̈͐͑̈͂͒̌̊̈́̀̽̂̄́̏̂̆͐̆̏̎̚̚̕̚̚͠r̷̢̧̲̼̥̬̹͓̥̖͕̫͈̥̎͆͐̽͑̊̀̒̑̕͝͝ś̷̼͓͍̭̘͓̫̖̞̠̥̬̖͍͚̰̗̈́̓͜͝ḁ̸̢̧̨̛͈͍̭͎̦̥̮̣͍̗̦̻͖̻̬̳̦̥̻͈̫̬͔̥̟̰̣͉̙̱̈̏͐̍͌͆̄̏̐̎́́̀̔̉̉̎͊̍͊̐̆̉̐̎̓̕͜ͅy̶͈̱̬̘̩̻̝͈͆̾͒̔̀̊̃̐̌͛̃̀̈̿͂̈́͂͑̄̉̃͒̏̑͛̈́̇̍͗̍̕͠ị̸̛̘̻̈́́̀̃̈́̀̽͑̄̊̂̈́̽͛̏̀͌̅̉̂̂̄͋̈́̊̓̂̆́̈́͂̀̈̆̾̚̕͘̚̚̕͝͝͠t̷̢̢̼̺͑͌̇̈̿̌̊̃̾̑̏̊̊͗̐̒͌͋̆̅͒͠ͅs̸̡̨̢̨̢̛̟͖̖̳͚̪̣̺̗͓͙̪̝͇̟͉͉̘̭̼̙̅̎̈́̎̈́̆̓̓̐̔̃̚̕͝n̵͈̞͔̒̅̽̏̈́͑͒̏͒̌͛͆̌̌́͑͛̅̂̽́͋̂̇̿̌̔͐̕̕a̵̡̢̡̢̨̛͚̪͉̥̼̱̪͙͕̗͓̰͕͓̱̺͇̜̦̻̻͇͚̬͉̗̰͔͇̪̬̙̼̗̮̰̻̾̋̂̅̿̈́̈́̇̿́͆̅̏͂͐̀̆̆̀̐̾̒̽̚̚̕͘͜͜͜͝ͅm̶̨̧̧̡̹̹͈̟̮̳͎͓͚̞̬̤͇̬̽̏̇̇́̿̐̑̀̀̆̏͑̐̆̿͑̿͘̕͝é̴̡̨̛̞̪̩̖̗̣̜̙̳̼͎̳͇͇̯̭̪̻̈̈́̃̈́́̊̃̽̊̆̆̃̃̉́̾̍̐͗͑͌̈͛̾̈́̽̀̑̏͆͂̓̋̀̂̏̆̄̎̍̈́͌̕͘͘͠n̶̨̢̨̛͈͚̣̹̞̜̺̘̥͕̖̰̻̺̟̜̹̠̜͇̞͈̳̋͗̿̐̂̽͗̍̒̍́̀̐͑͗͊̿͂͛͌̽̌̌̊̃͌̈́̚̕͜͜͝͝ȩ̵̧̡͓͇̹͎̰̙̦̞̻͎͙̜̣͉̳̙̬̥͎̝͉̺͇͍͖̭̫̣̫̞̱̮͓͔͈̻̰͌ͅv̷̡̟͙̤̳͚̱̣͎͈͎̟̈͌͗̋̉̈̈̀͆̅͝ͅe̵̡̛͖̮̺̗̽͌̍͂͊́͊̇̅͊̉̀̾́̒̓́͆̈̌͊̑͌̄̕̕̕̚͝͠͝r̸̨̡̡̢̛̛̮̫̺̥̖͚̳̣̱̦̝̘̯̘̝̣̙̪̦̫͙̬̻͕̮̥̤͓̲̮̺͔̈́͑͌͒̿̐͑͊͋͂͌̕̚͜͠ñ̸̨̢̡̧̨̛̛̛͖̪̪͖͔̘̣̪̼̱̰̗̦̱̻̰̗͇͆͋͐̈́̑̏̿͊̊͆̇́̐͊̑͌̄̐̾̏̈́̈́͛̓́̎̓̀̚͝͠͝͝ͅe̵͖̟͈͈̅̽̇̃̇̍̉̓̈́̂͗̉͛̂́͌̈́̈́̌̐͐̕͘̕͝͝v̵̨̛͎̩̫͇̬̱͕̳̱̩͓̝̗̏̿͛̎͑̅̈̐̑̀̅̈́͐̆̑̋̓́̃̃̔͆̚̕͜͜ȩ̴̨̫͇͔͓͓̳͎̱͕̭͖͚͚̦̦̝̰̊͑̄̑́͛̈́́̓̓̽̇̾̓̈́̌̽̈́̉̉̇͂̎̈́́̎͊̓̓͂͒̚̚͘̕̚͜͝ͅŗ̸̦̣̻͇̦͈̥̹̠̤͊̄̈́̇͆̂̔̀̊͂̂̇̂̈̿̀̎̂͠͝ǹ̴̛̛͓͔̝̇͆͑̉̽̌́̌̍̂̔͌̌̿̎̾̿̂̐͒͑̐̓̒̍̏̄͂͛̈̇̒̐̋̽̓̃̚̚̕̚̚̚̚͝ẻ̴̢̩̜̪̪̝̰̣̮͕̫͚̳̣̰͙̻̽̓̚v̵̻̬̎͊́̓́̎͐͛͊̌͗̎̑̽̋̾̈͒̍̏̉̾͘͝͠͝e̵̺͓̹̳̬̥̤̺̬͋̒̅̄̉ͅŕ̸̡̨̼̹͕̦̠͚͚̏͐͂̌̈́̓͌́̽̀͐̃͆́͐̈́̒̐̄̒̀͐̃͘͠ǹ̴̨̢̧̛̼̤̪̠͕̖̻͈̠͖̲̞̫̩̪͍̫̭̣̳̭̗̹̘͉̩͇̩͔͍̙̗͔͇̼̆̔̂̀͐̈̿̍̂́̽̄̏͂͒͊́̌͐̇́̔̽͑͂́̏̈́͋̿̽̉̈͘͘̚̕̕̕̚̚̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͝ę̶̧̨̛̛̪̘̦̙̻̞̙̜͇͕̗̦͎͈̞̮̱̥̣͇̮̟̲̻͖͎͍̝͍̖̞͕̳̲̙̮͔͔̓̒̃̈́̿̈́͛̃̑̈̐̀̊̈̀͂̐̑̇̐̄̑͗̇̈́̒̀̀͗̍̏͆̅̀͌̚̕̕͘͠͠͝͝͝v̶̡̡̢̧̨̧̝̬̹̝̲̲̺͔̩͎͍̤͎̞̗̖͇̟̠͙̲̞̗̥̬̳͍̅̆̎̂͝͠ē̵̢̨̨̨̧̧̛̪̰͉͍̫͎̤̜̖̮͖̭͙̫̪̺̺̭̼̙̙͉̮͍̟̣̳̹̪̞͈̼̰̝̼̹̬͔͓̘̐͋̿̃̾̿͑͒̄̅́͛̈́͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅr̸̭̗̺̺̪͔̉̾͑̊͝ͅ

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eyeball with teeth, curved to look like a demented unnatural smile.

Tenets of Faith

All is born from insanity.  All must return to insanity.  What intangible sanctuary Hedron provides.


The Birth of Insanity: The day The Insanity was born, 7/20.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The spread of mental and physical insanity across the multiverse.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord


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