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Leonin (Lee-oh-nin)

Basic Information


Leonin are a humanoid race that resembles that of a bipedal lion. Their bone structure is similar to that of humans, except for their feline-like skulls, and claw structure. They stand 6-7 feet tall and are considered medium in the size approximation of Iskudar. The males of the species have long-flowing manes, while the females do not. Both sexes have bodies covered in hair as well as fur-covered tails which the race has control over. Leonin are born with a fur color that they inherit from their parents.

Dominate Colors:

Golden blond, dull yellow. These colors exhibit codominance when both are present in offspring.  

Recessive Colors:

Shiny black, dull black, white. The white color of fur has incomplete dominance with golden blond and dull yellow.

Biological Traits

Leonin hailing from all different locations tend to have the same biological traits. The only difference being that Grassland and Scrubland Leonin tend to have greater arm and leg muscle density, while Open Forest Leonin have greater dexterity with their fingers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Leonin reproduces as normal humans do. They follow a 9~ month gestation period and give live birth. A Leonin commonly gives birth to between 1-4 children, with twins being the most common. A Leonin can only reproduce naturally with another Leonin or Tabaxi. The Leonin and Tabaxi cross are not able to produce offspring of their own.

Growth Rate & Stages

Leonin age at the same rate as humans, and are considered cubs until 17. Leonin gains its claws at age 2-3, but there have been instances of "late bloomers" in which a leonin doesn't gain its claws until its preteen years. Biologically male leonin typically grow their manes at 1 year old. Depending on hormone balance this could be later, or not at all. Female leonin can also produce manes should they have a hormone imbalance, although both these cases are rare.

Ecology and Habitats

There are three types of Leonin. Grassland Leonin, Scrubland Leonin, and open forest Leonin. All types operate similarly within their environments with slight differences.  


Grassland Leonin are nomadic and build their temporary shelters out of the hides of animals they hunt and the small branches of trees they find. These Leonin are ruled by Elder Lionesses, who direct when and where the leonin hunt, move, and set up camp. Grassland Leonin typically make loop rotations when roaming the grasslands, so a leonin who sticks with its pride till adulthood will see the same locations over and over again and grow accustomed to navigating its homeland. This rotation is informed by ancestral movements of the tribe rather than the practical location of resources. When permanent settlements or non-leonin tribes crop up along these paths leonin tribes will try to offer trade goods or perform services to get them to leave. If they still stick around some tribes might even attempt to overhunt the surrounding lands. attempting to force relocation. If this fails the leonin tribe will become bitter enemies with the settlement or tribe, and may even wage annual war upon them when they return on their ancestral routes.


Scrubland Leonin are very similar to their grassland cousins. They are ruled by Elder Lionesses, are nomadic, and hunt. The difference is in how the Leonin hunts and decides to wander. While Grassland Leonin follows ancestral paths, Scrubland Leonin sends out scouts to survey the land's ecosystem. They carefully move their tribes and hunt in locations that can handle their presence, as the scrublands ecosystem is very delicate. If the pride's elder council decides that there are too many Leonin in the tribe they will often send lion leonin out of the scrublands, and not allow them to return. Alternatively, the Elder Lionesses might decide to do battle with another tribe, in order to cull the rival tribe's population so that there will be more food for their tribe.  

Open Forest:

Open Forest Leonin differ the greatest from their cousins. For a start, they aren't nomadic. These Leonin form settlements among the spread-out trees of their forests. These Leonin are also ruled by one Lion, and upon this Lion's death, a successor is chosen via a vote based on which lion can grow the best crops. While these Leonin does hunt they mostly cultivate crops along the rich forest floor. They have developed excellent farming techniques, allowing their crops to integrate with the trees and perform symbols that help the crop and the tree. These leonin are generally good-natured and fun-loving people, who are inviting and willing to integrate non-leonin into their tribes. Typically Open Forest Leonin only comes into conflict when groups cut down too many trees too quickly and don't replant trees to keep the ecosystem healthy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Leonin are omnivores, but most types prefer to hunt for their food whenever possible. Hunting is a task that all Leonin can partake in, although it is mostly performed by adult lions. Hunting is done with the leonin's speed and claws and is as much a social task as a food gathering one. Many Leonin grow strong bonds with their hunting mates leading to many homosocial and homosexual relationships amongst the hunters. When food is brought back it is either eaten by the tribe or treated to become jerky for long-term storage. Most Leonin tribes don't mind sharing hunting grounds with other races and creatures, so long as there is enough for the tribe. What Leonin don't like is when other races or creatures' presence drive the game away, which most always leads to conflict.

Biological Cycle

In the warmer months, Leonin have thin fur coats that are vibrant and gleaming. They a very active outside the group during this time, playing games, hunting, and wandering from the tribe for days before returning. In the colder months, Leonin have thick fur coats that are dull. Leonin is usually lazier during this time, laying around and cuddling with friends and family for warmth and generally migrating more slowly, if at all. When spring comes back around Leonin will often groom each other's fur as a bonding experience and in order to remove all the shedding thick hair.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Leonin are separated into three different social groups that determine their status and jobs within the Pride. During times of stability and peace the social structure is loose, although during times of conflict and hardship the social structure is often very rigid. 

Grassland Leonin

Grassland Leonin are tied to their histories and cultures of their pride, taking them seriously and protecting them at all costs. Social roles in the tribe that were once filled by great heroes of the tribe often become revered by the common lions and lionesses. For example, if a gather once saved the tribe from starvation and became famous the role of gatherer would gain a higher station of reference and social care. When a Grassland Leonin comes of age they choose two things; whether or not they are to be referred to as a Lion or Lioness, and their occupation within the tribe. The status of Lion or Lioness within the tribe denotes which type of role you can/will serve in your occupation. Lion's typically have a more menial labor intensive or strength focused role within an occupation, while on the contrary Lionesses fill organizational, spiritual, skilled labor, and cultural roles. Whenever a Leonin becomes too old to preform their role or rendered incapable of preforming their role they are given the title of Elder, and serve as a point of guidance for those individuals within the tribe regarding the occupation they served. Elders also take care of children, as they spend most of their time in the safety of the tribes main camp.    Grassland and Scrubland Leonin have a loose social structure, with younger Leonin heeding the commands of the Elder Leonin, specifically the Elder Lionesses. When a lion comes of age and chooses to be a "Lion" or "Lioness" they essential choose their future life path, one that they will stick with unless the Elder Lionesses allow them to change. Lionesses are also generally considered more valuable than Lions, but this fact is more implied rather than outright stated. Lionesses plan out routes, set up camps, create the clothes and weapons, cook the food, care for and teach the children, and handle matters of religion and oral tradition. Lions are hunters, gatherers, and warriors, and scouts.

Facial characteristics

Leonin have facial features like that of a lion but can produce eye colors in the same range as normal humans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Leonin tribes are set up in warm climates that can provide large games for hunting.

Average Intelligence

The average Leonin intelligence is the same as average human intelligence. 10-11 on the ability score chart.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Leonin, like the lion from which they share many features, are creatures that hunt at night. Thusly the race has 60-foot dark vision.
Scientific Name
Panthera Leosapien
Forest Leonin, Grassland Leonin, Scrubland Leonin
Akin to a Humans.
Average Height
6-7 Feet.
Average Weight
Male: 187 - 229 lbs. Female: 167 - 204 lbs.
Average Physique
The average Leonin has a good body constitution and stamina and are typically slightly stronger than humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A Leonin's fur color can be golden blond, dull yellow, shiny black, dull black, or white. In addition, these colors can be accompanied by black spots in the mane.
Geographic Distribution


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