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Morwen Dumitrenteau (More-when Dew-mit-trent-ta-ow)

Lil Malla Ilharess Morwen Dumitrenteau- Dumitrenteau (a.k.a. The Lady of The Purple Worm)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morwen is physically attractive, dexterous and flexible, and quick and agile, She looks to always be in good health, and has rarely ever fallen ill.

Body Features

Morwen represents the peak of drow feminine dominance. A sexually alluring woman with power and capability. She moves with grace, her silk dress swaying and clinging to her curves. She sits like a spider, constantly ready to strike, one of her hands never too far from a potential weapon. Her eyes read you like a divining wizard, breaking you down to your secrets, instincts, and goals. She has an attractive graceful pear-shaped body. Small chest and upper body with wide hips.

Facial Features

Morwen has a very angular face and sharp cheekbones accompanied by full thick lips. There is a tattoo going down her bottom lip to her chin. She has thin eyebrows with a high arch. She has sharp eyes with white pupils while the rest of her eyes are a smokey grey. Her face is clear of any blemishes; no freckles scars or beauty marks of any kind.  

Morwen by Deertastic

Identifying Characteristics

Her tattoos and unique multi-toned hair are her most identifying features beyond her attractiveness and signature items.

Physical quirks

Morwen's ear twitches when she is paying close attention.

Apparel & Accessories

Morwen always wears her Crown of The Loving Mother, a crown made from the bones of her mother and transformed into spider's legs through dark magic. Around her neck is the heart of her last favored consort that still beats and writhes as if in pain. She wears silver bracelets and chains up and down her arms, 1-inch heels, and a dress that's skirt spits into three pieces of fabric around her legs.

Specialized Equipment

Her demon staff is forged from the bones of her family and the sacrifice of many slaves and rivals. It serves as her divine arcane focus, and allows her to summon demons to her aid should she need them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morwen was born under the rule of her Grandmother, and a day after her birth she was slain by her mother. She was raised as nothing more than a tool to be used by her noble house, as she was the sixth of 7 female siblings. She knew she was made for more and refused to be some whore sold for power, and thusly she built her web of influence under the underestimating gaze of her family. At her youngest sister's wedding, she convinced them to have the service outside of the city and stalked away as her Duergar allies summoned a purple worm that killed the entire service. In a violent instant, she became the sole member of her noble family, and the most dangerous and powerful drow alive in the Umbara region. Although her plans nearly came crashing down as she realized her inability to conceive or carry a child to term, one day she was successful. She had a ritual prepared for her daughter as she came into the world, and was appalled as the moon turned red and the baby boy's red eyes stared back into hers. She cast the child aside, and slew his father, and from that point on concerned herself with cementing her current rule, not the future of her family.

Gender Identity

Morwen is a cis-gendered woman, which means she uses she/her and identifies as female. She presents as female as well.


Morwen has and will sleep with both sexes and all genders to achieve her goals and to rise and keep power, though beyond that she has no desire to be sexually intimate with anyone.


Morwen has received a modest education from her noble house but went and expanded her own knowledge on her own. She is very smart and knowledgeable of all history of Iskudar, and can often identify where someone is from based on how they speak or act. She excelled in literature and would right religious poems and poems about her family when she was younger.


Morwen was originally employed as a low priestess of Lolth and was seen as unassuming and willing to serve and be obedient. This allowed her to lie and scheme her way to becoming a high priestess, and then Lil Malla Ilharess of Orthae Talthalra.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She manipulated her entire family into thinking she was innocent, trustworthy, and cared for them. This is a difficult feat for a drow to accomplish amongst other lolthite drow. She organized the death of her house using her knowledge of Purple Worms and her cunning strategy to use the hostility the Duergar had against her mother's rule. She beat the 3 other houses that opposed her when she declared herself Lil Malla Ilharess.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her greatest embarrassments are her mental breakdown in front of Cicero Liao dad before his conception, her rage-filled mass murder of those bearing Cicero's fathers name and his brutal and public torture and sacrificial ritual, and the abuse she suffered due to High Priestess Murceil.

Mental Trauma

Living in Lolthite Drow society has made her constantly paranoid and scheming. She struggles to feel true affection for others and lashes out at them when she does. She has sexual-based trauma due to her experience with High Priestess Murceil and refuses to speak about how she feels to anyone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Morwen is very well-read on Drow literature, both religious and secular. She is also well aware of the history of the world and its an empire, with enough knowledge of the subjects to cause scholars that have spent their entire lives studying much grief. She is very knowledgeable about the manipulation of people's expectations and emotions but struggles to put it into practice sometimes. She is also very. . .knowledgable about the arts of seduction and bedroom activities.

Morality & Philosophy

Morwen believes that the laws of her society are there to give rise to the greatest among her race and that she has proven she is the greatest by doing so. The tragedy and violence done by the law are seen as necessary and righteous by Morwen, and she views societies that help and protect their people as weak and doomed to fall. All are there to serve her, even her god Lolth, though she prays the queen of spiders does not know this fact.


Morwen has many concubines and consorts, but she has not married officially despite having many opportunities to do so. This rubs people the wrong way, as marriage is seen as one of the most basic steps of drow intrigue, and by ignoring it people think she sees herself above the web of lies. Something that scares and enrages many.

Personality Characteristics


To be Lolth's most favored servant, and reach a status befitting of her race and noble breeding.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is very proficient at reading and comprehension. She cannot do multiplication quickly and does not have her time's tables memorized.

Likes & Dislikes

Morwen loves silver, Hanrar pomegranates, pumpkin spiced coffee, and Deep Rothe Meat pies that are thoroughly seasoned. She hates gold, non-crisp fruit and vegetables, cold food and drink, annoying men who think they are important, her son, people from House Ilhanmorhar, Luthien, and poorly seasoned food.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is often calm, very patient when it comes to her schemes, and willing to repay and aid her loyal allies and servents-so long as she didn't plan on betraying them in the first place.

Vices & Personality flaws

She lets her vendettas get the better of her, and is arrogant to a predictable fault, she often overestimates her schemes and their power and thinks that no one could legitimately oppose her.


Morwen is sure to bathe 6 times a day and becomes irritable and paranoid if she is incapable of doing so. Her soaps are all vanilla and pomegranate scented, and she enjoys her water to be scalding hot. She keeps her hair groomed and clean and her teeth whitened artificially, as spider sugar naturally dyes one's teeth purple.


Religious Views

The follows the lolthite dogma and believes all other species should be subjugated, and the other races of Elves exterminated.

Social Aptitude

She has very good charisma and confidence, although her social manipulation can be shoddy sometimes despite her knowledge on the subject.


She always has one of her hands close to something that could be used as a weapon, and often points while giving commands or orders. She makes long-drawn-out eye contact while speaking, unsettling even the most hardened drow.

Hobbies & Pets

She keeps a displacer beast whom she spends most of her free time with. The cat is extremely defensive, and many have lost their limbs when approaching Morwen without permission.


She’s got a very low feminine voice that commands a room like a conquerors war horn. Her words roll off her tongue with sultry allure, each syllable hiding a scheme or threatening death for disobedience.

Wealth & Financial state

She is the most wealthy drow in the Umbara region, commanding enough wealth to buy lavish luxuries and spices.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Managing a sucession crisis
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She is the Lil Malla Ilharess and Matron of House Dumitrenteau
Crinti Ilhan
Current Residence
Orthae Malla Talthalra
She has sharp eyes with white pupils while the rest of her eyes are a smokey grey.
She has short fluffy with many choppy layers with two longer face framing side pieces. It's color is a mix of white, mauve purple, and dark strands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Morwen has pale purplish grey skin. There are no visible blemishes and it gives off the look of clear soft skin. She has many religious tattoos as well.
4’9. 5’0 with heels.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What. . .what are you"-Morwen at the birth of her only child.  "I am the Purple Worm. An elegant creature of death that consumes as she pleases and thrashes her enemies into a red and purple mist."-Morwen when a fellow noble inquired about her purple worm sigil. "They will ruin you to the point that you'll regret you ever regretted anything."-Morwen at Luthien upon his capture.
Lolthite Dogma
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Undercommon, Dwarfish, Gnomish, Halfling, Draconic, and Abyssal.

Character Portrait image: Morwen by Deertastic


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