Isle of Ascrea Bloodlines

2A329, 5th day of Medi (September)

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The Isle Ascrea: Found off the far western coasts of the Kingdom of Hovedstadt, Ascrea is a land built by legendary heroes imbued with ancient mystic magics. A nation founded upon a Fellowship and a Friendship that bonded its people to the land and to the native Druidic culture. The Ascrii have believed that it is this bond that has allowed the people and the Isle to prosper. Ascrea has become known for its talented seafarers, highly skilled artisans, widely traveled merchants and traders, and fierce warriors. But the Isle has experienced much tragedy. The Pact of the Royal Bloodline has been broken. Violence and mistrust has crept its way into the bones of the land. Beginning with the first attempt on Prince Joran’s life while studying in Hovedstadt, attacks on the King’s Guard and family have plagued Ascrea for the past decade. Onslaughts from an unknown foe have become more frequent and brutal. King Osian has all but shut Ascrea’s borders to outsiders. As Ascrea closes itself to the outside world, danger and strife grow within. Quietly King Osian has sent whispers to find help in defending from this foe and breaking the creeping darkness he fears may swallow the Isle, his people, and his family.


Isle of Ascrea: Bloodlines

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

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