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History of the Land at the Feet of the Great Mountains

The history of the Land at the Feet of the Great Mountains and its inhabitants.

Archaic Era

3000 HE 4041 HE

Includes events related to the first settlements and political entities formed within the Land at the Feet of the Great Mountains, up until the formation of the Harmony.

  • 3000 HE

    3150 HE

    Settlement of the Great-Mountains Land by PWM-speaking people
    Population Migration / Travel

    Around this time, PWM-speaking peoples settled in the Great-Mountains Land. They are the predecessors to the Long Lake civilizations.

  • 3100 HE

    Moa Hunting starts to become widespread
    Cultural event

    Hunting the giant Moa birds of the region starts to become an important source of food. The Moa would become an important staple food and animal of the Great-Mountains Land.

  • 3250 HE

    3400 HE

    PWM splits into East and West
    Linguistic Evolution

    Proto-Wakatipu-Matau splits into East and West dialects, which slowly become mutually unintelligible. The western variant is the ancestor to Kindmountian and the eastern variant is the ancestor to Harmonic.

  • 3440 HE

    3460 HE

    Oldest forms of Writing in the region
    Linguistic Evolution

    The first evidence of Wakatipu-Matau runes are dated to here.

  • 3750 HE

    3850 HE

    Large cities start to form
    Cultural event

    Large centralized cities with early legal systems start to appear along the Great River and around the Calm Lake. Trade routes between cities help form a sense of shared identity between them

  • 3850 HE

    3950 HE

    Cities unite into large clans/tribes
    Cultural event

    Large and small cities alike start forming clans and tribes, thanks in large part due to prominent trading routes which allowed a shared sense of culture and identity to form between settlements. The largest and most powerful clans at the time rested along the Great River, notably including the Clan of the Long Lake, the Clan of the Moa and the Golden Clan.

  • 3971 HE

    Mythical Founding of Kindmount

    The legendary founding of Kindmount is placed here, but the city was likely formed some decades later.

  • 3990 HE

    4000 HE

    Extinction of Deathclaws in the West

    The last Deathclaws are hunted in the West, but remain present to some extent around the Spear, Stick and Cursed rivers.

  • 4015 HE

    Invention of the Dual Year Calendar System
    Scientific achievement

    The Dual Year Calendar System is created in the Clan of the Long Lake for religious use.

Early Classical Era

4042 HE 4298 HE

Encompasses events from the formation of the Harmony to the collapse of the Kindmountian empire.

  • 4042 HE

    Founding of the Harmony of the Great River

    The Harmony of the Great River is formed, comprising the Long Lake Clan, the Golden Clan, the Clan of the Red Warriors, the Clan of the Great Farmers and the Clan of the Great Hunters.

  • 4043 HE

    4045 HE

    Moa Clan Integration War
    Military: War

    The Moa Clan, having refused to join the Great Harmony, were invaded by the latter. Fighting raged during the two years of passion (28 YP (4043 HE) and 29 YP (4045 HE)) and resulted in the division of the Moa Clan into three distinct clans (East Moa Clan, West Moa Clan, Clan of the Two-Headed Moa) to weaken the nation, as well as their integration into the Great Harmony.

  • 4044 HE

    Clan of the Great Hunters integrated into Clan of the Great Farmers
    Political event

    After rumors and suspicions that some upper class birds of the Clan of the Great Hunters grew out of control, the clan was integrated into the neighboring Clan of the Great Farmers.

  • 4045 HE

    Dual Cities formed
    Political event

    Fearful of being violently integrated into the Harmony for refusing to join it, as had the Clan of the Moa, the cities of Eye Bay City and John's City form the Dual Cities of Eye Bay and John's.

  • 4079 HE

    Dual Year Calendar System adopted by Kindmount
    Cultural event

    The Dual Year Calendar System is officially adopted by the Kindmountian government. The calendar has thus been adopted by all important political entities and has become the default calendar of the entire region.

  • 4086 HE

    P - Hunted Month
    4086 HE

    P - Fruit-filled Month

    Kindmount Civil War
    Military: War

    Some cities rebel against the Assimilation Policy instituted in 35 YT by the Casteless Council of Kindmount city. This lasted from the Hunted Month to the Fruit-filled Month in 35 YP.

  • 4200 HE

    4274 HE

    Massive Kindmountian Expansion

    Kindmount expands in the North and across the Calm Lake all the way to the edge of Spear River Valley. This expansion ends abruptly at the start of organized Violet Coast raids in the west.

  • 4244 HE

    Eye Bay City becomes dominant within the Dual Cities
    Political event

    The dominance within the Dual Cities shifts to Eye Bay City, who is much closer politically to Kindmount.

  • 4247 HE

    Kindmount vassalizes the Dual Cities
    Diplomatic action

    Exploiting the recent change of dominance within the Dual Cities, Kindmount has cemented a protection agreement with the cities.

  • 4274 HE

    4286 HE

    Organized Violet Coast raids devastate Kindmountian economy
    Military: Skirmish

    The new leadership in the north of the Violet Coast empire starts sporadic raids on newly acquired western Kindmountian territory in order to drive the Generous Mountain out of their home. These raids accelerate and intensify during the Kindmountian-Harmonic War, and end in the Violet Coast empire regaining their lost land.

  • 4275 HE

    John's City made Dominant within the Dual Cities
    Political event

    After shipments to the Dual Cities stopped due to the Violet Coast raids, John's City is made dominant by the Choosing Assembly, and sharply turns the nation's foreign politics towards the Harmony.

  • 4282 HE

    4286 HE

    Kindmountian-Harmonic War
    Military: War

    Kindmount declares war on the Great Harmony. A difficult and long nearly 3-year conflict ensues, with the Harmony achieving victory in the middle of 135 YP (4288 HE), cementing its influence over the region, securing Spear River Valley for itself, and ending Kindmountian supremacy in the region. The end of this war sets the stage for Harmonic expansion across the Great River, and revolutionizes warfare, transforming battles from largely ceremonial to brutal and bloody.

  • 4286 HE

    4298 HE

    Collapse of the Kindmountian empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The collapse of the Kindmountian empire renders the Nation of the Generous Mountain a weak rump state, with its former empire picked apart from foreign powers as well as internal conflicts. The collapse of the Kindmountian empire marks the end of the Early Classical Era.

  • 4292 HE

    Modified Dual Year Calendar System proposed and adopted in the east
    Scientific achievement

    The central government of the Harmony proposes the Modified Dual Year Calendar for immediate adoption to its clans. It is quickly adopted within the Harmony, but western nations hold off.