Aquenos, the Living Glacier Character in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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Aquenos, the Living Glacier

Aquenos, the Living Glacier, god of the Seas. Takes the form of a frost Gollum, a body of living water encased in ice.

Divine Domains

The Sea, Water, Knowledge

Tenets of Faith

For those living along the coast or a body of water that leads to the sea, a worshiper can go to the water’s edge place their head under the water and say their prayers. These prayers are then carried out to the oceans for Aquenos to hear. Prayers can also be spoken into a cold basin of water to be carried to a body of water later, if a large number of worshipers are too far removed to be able to pilgrimage there on a regular basis. Farming communities often use this method, sending a single representative with a prayer basin to a nearby lake.
Divine Classification

Character Portrait image: by Ben Raven


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