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Banli (BAN-LEE)


Outcast Sorceror

Being raised as an individual of a minority ancestry is hard. Being raised as an individual of a minority, when those in the majority believe you to be cursed is harder still, but this was the early life of Banli and his father, Athelulf as soon as he reached an age when you'd expect a child to be verbally communicating proficiently

Born in Abberton on the Isle of Erran, the only child Athelulf and Nefi, a gnomish couple who made a living crafting household hardware as well as making repairs on pretty much anything. Nefi died during labour, which sowed the seeds of the rumour that he was cursed, which, as he aged, grew from rumour into 'established truth', as far as the Abbertonians were concerned as he differed massively from other children in the town.

Banli, short for Banliriwallter if using his full gnomish name, was born with a speech disorder. While he was smarter than most of the children, regardless of ancestry, his brain often rerouted what he was thinking, leaving him unable to find words, or articulate his thoughts. This meant he would frequently be left pausing for a significant period before speaking. As children are inherrently cruel, this led to name calling and physical abuse, with Banli, small even for a gnome, unable to defend himself physically.

But if children can be cruel, adults can be worse. Believing Banli to be cursed, the people of Abberton took their trade elsewhere, would fire insults in the street and worse. Things were steadily escalating and after frequent acts of vandalism on the family home, Athelulf sold up, for a fraction of his dwelling's value and left, vowing to find a better life for the son he adored.

Initially they struggled, travelling from settlement to settlement, but funds were soon exhausted and in the end they settled, after finding permanent residence in an abandoned subterranean temple to a deity they din't recognise, in the northernmost tip of the island. It was here that Banli, found his calling. With the time constraints of day-to-day life no longer an issue, Athelulf threw himself into educating his son, teaching him to read and write, live off the land. It was during this time, his formative years, that Banli befriended Paws, a raccoon that he'd caught stealing from their hard foraged resources.
It was also duting this period that Banli began to have disturbed nights, dreams of creatures and entities beyond the stars, along with sigils and words in his mind that he could read and articulate far better than he could manage with conversation. As he spoke words, power emanated from the young gnome and slowly but surely he learned to control the words, combining them with gestures to create spells, the power for which seem to come from an untapped source within him. As his familiarity with the magic grew, so did his bond with Paws.

Shortly after learning to control his natural spellcasting ability, Banli, lost his father from a brain injury, sustained after a fall whilst out foraging. Finding the confines of the temple to be too lonely and with too many memories of his father, Banli left a handful of weeks after burning and scattering his fathers remains. He travelled the full length of the island to Escadar, exchanging foraged items, as well as goods stolen from settlements en route, to pay for passage to somewhere, anywhere new. The boat, a Bonuwat trading ship, dropped Banli in Otari, where he soon found employ, enforcing the law, rather than comitting petty larceny. Here, he hopes to find greater acceptance and fortune that which he received on the Isle of Erran
Current Status
Enrolling into the Wheel Watch
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th Arodus, 4692AR
Year of Birth
4692 AR 31 Years old
Flame Red, swept back, with mutton chop sideburns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
None. Has belief his visions are of religious nature.
Aligned Organization

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