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Rein Volso (RAYN VOLL-so)

Rein Lucius Volso (a.k.a. WhipDoc)

Combat Medic

Raised in Taldor as part of the unbearded underclass, the son of a miller, Octor Volso and his wife, Vitella. The crippling taxes of the nation ensured the family never achieved a significant level of wealth, but with a steady revenue stream from the waterwheel powered mill as well as a smallholding farm, his family were better off than many within the realm.

As a young man, Rein was disinterested in the operations of the mill, but enjoyed tending to the livestock consisting of a small flock of sheep, a couple of cows, a handful of chickens and a rooster, as well as a fluctuating amount of pigs. Frequently unable to afford the services of a veterinarian, learned to perform simple medical procedures out of necessity and showed a natural aptitude at such, that would later play a significant part in his life away from the quiet village of Positano

At the age of sixteen after an argument with his father ended up in the exchanging of punches, Rein left the farmstead, travelling with a half-orc mercenary group that had been passing through Positano. The mercenaries, known as the "Half-Tusks" were en route for the foothills of the World's Edge Mountains where they were to take employ protecting the farmlands and mines of a wealthy Taldan Viscount from orc incursions. He signed up to the group as a general aid performing menial tasks, tending the horses and cooking whilst in return receiving food, combat training and a wage of a couple of copper akche (2cp) per week. However he soon earned the respect of the group after their first major orc encounter. With a number of the band hard pressed by an orcish assault, Rein levelled the playing field, not with the sword skills he'd been developing in the short time with the band, but instead with his whip, something he'd used to herd animals, whipping the air in front of them with a crack to change their direction. But in this assault, he wasn't herding, instead tripping and pulling orcs, providing combat advantages to his allies. After the skirmish was won, he used his veterinary skills to treat the band's wounds, and again showed a natural aptitude. It was this day he earned the nickname 'WhipDoc' from the half-tusks.

He stayed with the Half-Tusks for three years, until they decided to head for the River Kingdoms, an area that will always provide guaranteed work for a mercenary band. Rein decided this was the point he'd make his own way, though he was gifted a Messer, a sword, much like a straightened scimitar, from the Half-Tusk captain, Quarto Bakus, in appreciation for his work both as a healer and a second line fighter in his time with the band.

A year of aimless travelling, depleting of funds and part-time jobs finally saw him arrive, by boat, in Otari on the southern coast of the Isle of Kortos. HIs intention was to travel to Absalom, but after the waterwheel that dominated the town's skyline reminded of the waterwheel of his childhood (albeit countless times larger), he instead decided to look for wotk in Otari, applying for a job as a member of the newly formed Wheel Watch.

Rein Volso

Male human fighter 1 NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid Heritage versatile heritage Background field medic Perception +7 Languages Common, Orcish Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Crafting +3, Medicine +5, Nature +5, Warfare Lore +3 Str 16 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0) Items scale mail, steel shield, wooden shield, messer, whip, backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), compass, crowbar, flint and steel, rations (1 week) (2), rope (foot) (50), soap, torch (5), waterskin, purse (1 gp, 9 sp) -------------------- AC 18 (20 with shield raised Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +5 HP 20 Speed 30 feet Melee [1] messer +8 (forceful, versatile P, sweep), Damage 1d6+3 S Melee [1] shield bash +8, Damage 1d4+3 B Melee [1] whip +8 (disarm, nonlethal, finesse, trip, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+3 S Ancestry Feats General Training Class Feats Exacting Strike General Feats Fleet, Shield Block Skill Feats Battle Medicine, Risky Surgery[APG] Other Abilities shield block, attack of opportunity
Current Status
Enrolling into Wheel Watch
Current Location
Military Green
Dark Brown, Cropped, Tidy Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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