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Wrin Sivinxi (RIN Si-VINX-See)

Wrin Sivinxi

Owner of Wrin's Wonders

Wrin Sivinxi by Paizo Inc
Abomination Vaults: Ruins of Gauntlight
Wrin arrived in Otari in 4717AR, deciding to settle simply because her selection of wares had grown to a point where her capacity to carry them finally outweighed it's portability. Her knack of finding lost things and gathering strange treasures, her magpie nature and awkward but likeable communication style made the life of an on oddities merchant a perfect match.

In her 4 years in Otari she has become an accepted part of the community, even if many of it's citizens regard her as a good natured eccentric. Sales of the strange and bizarre aren't brisk in the town, but that's no matter to Wrin - she's patient and has enjoyed her time in Otari so far. A number of townsfolk have heard her talk of plans to move away at some point, to an abandoned observatory on Ravounel's southwestern coast, but for now she's content to stay in Otari and sleep under the stars. Despite her acceptance by the townsfolk, Wrin has made few friends. Her unorthodox appearance, peculiar speech patterns and her prediction of major mishaps (three to date), makes the majority of folk keep her at arms length, exchanging social niceties and not much more. The exception to this is Toraldur Sund, an Ulfen who works part time for the Otari Guard, who hangs around the store quite a bit, helping out and occasionally covering for Wrin when she has business to attend to elsewhere.

Due to the lack of communication she has with the townsfolk, her background is a bit of an enigma, and many variations of it can be heard around town, none of which are correct. Wrin has made no effort to correct the falsehoods, with the fact that she is spoken of in hush tones adding to her air of mystery, a frequent source of amusement to her. As well as her multiple backgrounds, many townsfolk talk of her obsession with Gauntlight Keep. Despite her previous foretellings coming to pass, no one gives any credence to her talk of the light being lit over recent days

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

All the S words. Striking, statuesque, stunning, stylish, slim, slightly scary and cerebral (ok, so that's a C, but it has an S sound)

Body Features

Slim, tall, almost androgynous physique, though her clothing, make up, hands and facial features are particularly feminine. At 6'1" tall, she'd stand out in a crowd, even without horns, white eyes, forked tail and sparkling fingers

Facial Features

Her eyes are fully white, with no iris. Her cheekbones are to die for and despite her prominent horns from her tiefling heritage, her face garners more attention than the ram-like protruberances. Her hair is long and white, nearly reaching her waist and is often accented with coloured straks at the front (currently light green, Pharast 4723AR)

Identifying Characteristics

Horns, Tails, White Eyes, White Hair and Sparkling Fingers. You're not going to miss her.

Physical quirks

She smells faintly of hot fudge and charcoal.

Apparel & Accessories

Stylish long robes, free flowing, that despite reaching to the ground never seem to get dirty around the hem line. She prefers a mix of whites, offset by bright colours in contrast, though prefers, reds, orange and lilac. She is never without her starknife at her belt (or sash).

Mental characteristics




Whilst in Kyonin, Wrin was trained as a ghost hunter.
Tiefling Elf
Oddities Merchant 5
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Attempting to grow business
Current Location
Date of Birth
15th Lamashan, 4646AR
Year of Birth
4646 AR 77 Years old
Glitterbough, Kyonin
Current Residence
Long Flowing, Ash Blonde with Green Streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cosmic Caravan
Known Languages
Aklo, Common, Elven, Sylvan, Varisian.
Ruled Locations
Wrin Sivinxi by
Graham Beadle using heroforge

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Character Portrait image: Wrin Sivinxi by micahdraws[br]purchased from DruivethruRPG


Author's Notes

Original Information from Abomination Vaults Adventure Path - Ruins of Gauntlight (Paizo Inc)
Additional information by Graham Beadle
Artwork produced by Graham Beadle utilising Heroforge.
Sidebar Torso Image by micahdraws purchased on Drivethrurpg
Full Body Illustration from Abomination Vaults Adventure Path - Ruins of Gauntlight (Paizo Inc)

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