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Ellavarian Cuisine

Since the Ellavara are surrounded by trees and forest delicacies, they naturally have a cuisine that is centered around vegetables and the various other protein you can get in the forest. This is not to say that the Ellavara have lighter meals, but there are light meals like salads and such, they actually combine the love of the forest with dishes that can only be described as comfort food. The Ellavara adore things like quiches, stuffed mushrooms, noodles in cheese sauces, various vegetable soups (like leek and potato soup, pea soup, cheesy potato soup, chicken and other lean meat soups), stews, various casseroles, cabbage and lettuce rolls, stuffed bell peppers, vegetable melodies, etc. The thing that is a delicacy in the capitol of Islemaria is the Aligan's pie, which is a combination of starchy and/or protein rich vegetables with a meat and a dairy product (usually cheese). There desserts are usually heavy in wheat of some sort so fried doughs, sweet breads (some of the recipes borrowed from the Telkathir), cakes and muffins, cookies, scones, biscotti, pies, pancakes, etc. The Ellavarian cuisine is very home-centric because the Ellavara believe that the forests of Islemaria invoke a warm feel about them, besides from the fact that it is indeed there home. The Ellavara believe that food should be a staple to a good home life and good friendship, for what is good food without good people?
There are many recipe books that reside in Islemaria that covers anything from what you can do with each and every vegetable that is in Islemaria to how to make your dinner party feel like a family gathering. The most popular book to cooks everywhere is called The Joy of Ellavarian Cooking. This book alone has had 42 editions for it updates about every two years since its publication.

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