The Typical Ellavarian House Building / Landmark in Islemaria | World Anvil
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The Typical Ellavarian House

Unlike their Telkathir brethren who opt for spikes and a more deadly decor to their homes, the Ellavarian use the roots of their great country in their housing, quite literally. To put it simply, the Ellavara manipulate wood, plant fibers, and various gemstones with magic to form an abode that is representive of their beginning and they evolution as a race. The most interesting thing about Ellavarian housing is that it is a normal occurrence to infuse gemstone dust it the very walls of the house. The decision what gemstones is usually not a personal preference rather one that is indicitive of the members of the household. The member or members of the household obtain the dust that represents the season that they are born in so if a household were made up of individuals where were born in Faeln and Klacius, the house would shimmer with brillant greens and oranges during the different hours of sunlight and moonlight.


The Ellavarian are the typical residents in this type of housing along with other creatures like pets and work creatures.


These houses are made up of various gemstones, metals (usually of the white and silver variety), and glasses especially and clays ceramic. They also use porcelain but in small amounts because of its fragile nature. The most common wood that is used in the formation of these houses are dark in nature. Shadewood is usually the popular choice for it is still the desire brown color but is much darker and lets the gemstones that are usually embedded be more visible.


This house used to be more simply in its design. In the early days of Ellavarian magic, they would just get a large piece of wood, usually a trunk of a tree and use magic to carve it into a home. Now the housing has become a perfect blend of Ellavarian evolution and Islemarian roots.

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