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Isles of Andravii

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We catch up with an Ancient world, now standing with one foot somewhat dragging in the Medieval period of growth, and the other foot shuffling into the Gregorian future.  

The Current Era: 1700

    The first scroll was discovered around 1200 AD in a Tomb, now a shrine.  
"We came to this world, not by boat nor by any means of transport we recall. We came here by execution. At least, that is what we recall. Our family in its entirety were brought before the judges and jury; many already passed a guilty verdict despite the proceedings only just starting. Yes, we murdered. Yes, we robbed and we conquered. Yes, we unsurped and overthrown. In the most technical of ways, yes ... We are guilty of each and every crime (just about) we were accused of.   Yet, we were not asked why. We were never given a chance to explain the finer detail of how we put the world to right through those heinous actions. Sometimes the best medicine for an infection, is to cut the organ or limb off and stop the spread, no? That was what we did. We stood ourselves between the righteous and the truth. We did what needed doing and sometimes, just sometimes, this was an ugly path.   We took a vow of silence that day - the day we were sentenced. We refused to cry, scream or beg for mercy while our bodies were whipped with leather dipped in tar, sharp metal and glass. Our blood spilled on the floor. Fathers, Mothers and children. We kept our silence. Dragged off to the gallows, each and every one in eye-sight of the another. they tried to break us. Our bonds unwavering, our silence prevailent.   Then we awoke. Hanging in a circle, facing one another, on our respective crosses. In silence, still. The heat beat down on us, boiling our blood until our skins turned into blisters. Vultures picked at wounds. This wasn't heaven, but it sure weren't hell either. It was worst.   It was Exile.   The first words spoken again, was that of thanks to a man who rescued us one by one. Conan, we learned his name much later. We learned we were trapped by an invisible force connected to a bracelet we all acquired without prior agreement.   To live, we had to survive, to survive we had to conquer, to conquear we had to repeat our history. And we did. We still do. When you're given a clean slate, as it were, you build from a template you know, but you improve on the previous mistakes.   We are Andravii. We are strong and we are the rulers of these Isles.   Through our Trials 'n Tribulations, we build, rebuild, and will continue our work for generations to come.   We are civilized savages and as such ... We welcome you to our world, our Exile.   Stand united, or perish divided.