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Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

No one has ever seen a white dragonborn in Elementiz before. To be honest, not many has ever met a dragonborn at all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hethress was born in the northern part of Elementiz, close to the volcano of Valyria. His people lives under the protection of the Red Dragon «Yssera, Baron Of Fire». His people consists mainly of black and red dragonborn. Myths say that his people where created when the volcano erupted thousands of years ago. It is said that the volcano erupted because the Fire Lord Ragnaros battled the Ancient Black Dragon «Nefarion» for dominion over the north of Elementiz. Yssera, being one of Ragnaros barons. took pity on the humans living in the Ancient city of Valyria, and came to their rescue. She did this by turning them into a people in her image, red Dragonborn. In doing so the people managed to survive the destruciton of the lava, magma, fire and smoke. Nefarion lost the battle and got killed by Ragnaros, but in his dying breath he used his magic to turn the remaining humans into black Dragonborn. Since then the red and black Dragonborn have been at war with eachother. The black Dragonborn are stronger, more ferocious and evil. The myths say that Nefarions hatred and anger lives on through the black Dragonborn, and since Yssera is one of Ragnaros barons, the black dragonborn seeks the red dragonborns demise and utter destruction.   Hethress had always loved stories of ancient civilizations and lost knowledge and power. This desire drove him at the age of 10 into searching the old ruins of Valyria, who lay in the middle of Red and Black dragon territory. It was a perilous thing to do, but Hethress had heard tales of a long lost Valyrian library who had been preserved, or capsuled by the lava, with ancient secrets and knowledge. He had to find it. He spent several years in the ruins, but he never found the library. All the maps of the ancient city had been destroyed when the volcano erupted. This drove him into going out in the world, searching for other ancient places where such a map could be found. And so Hethress adventure began. He traveled for many years. But he had to be cautious in his travels, because Dragonborn werent really accepted in the other kingdoms of Elementiz. He spent some years searching the swamp lands, where there once existed another ancient civilization. But these lands where dangerous, filled with terrible monsters, so he didnt learn much. But, he learned of an ancient tower of knowledge, on the frozen isle of Frostmyrn.   He managed to join a crew of fellow researchers at the age of 26, headed for Frostmyrn. This would also turn out to be a perilous journey, since the lands of Frostmyrn where anything but hospitable. Many of the reaserchers died by freezing to death, some where killed by ice spirits, wolves or other monsters. Hethress was naturally well suited for these lands, being ressistant to cold, and this saved his life. When they finally reached the ancient tower a terrible blizzard came upon them, and the group got separated. It was almost impossible to see anything, but Hethress could hear his fellow researchers terrible dying screams. Suddenly, the blizzard disappared, and the stary nightsky and the moonshine shined down upon him. All around him he could see his group torn to shreds. Bodyparts laying all over the place. Suddenly a icy, almost invisible large creature stood before him, with piercing cold blue eyes. It was a dragon completely made of crystal blue ice. A squeeking monsterously dark and cold voice rang in his head, speaking a language he could not understand. He couldnt move, because he was so afraid. The last thing he remembers is the dragon swallowing him whole.   A whole year later he wakes up on the shores of the small isle east of Fishtown, «Isle of Godess Lunara». His scale had turned bright white, and his eyes crystal blue. Where he once had powers of fire, he now had powers of ice. He could hear that same terrible voice in his head, only now he could understand it. «Go to Fishtown, there you will meet two adventrurers, one halfling, and one half-elf. Get their trust, they will be crucial for our mission». «What mission?!» Heathran asked. «You will see, I have chosen you for a reason. You seek knowledge, power. A way into the library of Valyria. Do as I say, and all of this will be yours». Hethress eyes glowed of exitement, «I accept! But may I ask, what shall I call you?» «I am Crizilith, a baron of The Ice Lord, Herrogorath. That will be all the questions you get to ask for now». After the conversation Hethress loses conciousness, but luckily he is found by some fishermen who brings him aboard their boat, setting sail for Fishtown. The fishermen brought him to «The Stinking Ale» tavern, where the local healer Mistryn Bronzebeard, the half dwarf, half troll daugher of Tyryl Bronzebeard, the dwarven Innkeeper, heals him.   And so our adventure begins, where Hethress meets the the other adventurers. He feels an urge to find out what happened to him, and how he survived. How did he end up on the other side of Elementiz, on the Isle of Godess Lunara? Where had he been the last year? What did the dragon do to him? But he could also feel his newfound power. This had been a gift from the gods, and a way to get what he had always wanted.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
1226 AE 27 Years old
The Scorched Lands of Ancient Valyria
Crystal blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White scales
197 cm
130 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Draconic (Native) Common (Fluent) Primordial (Linguistic understanding) Elvish (Almost fluent)

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