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Hydros, esteemed as The Endless Depths, is a sovereign deity within the pantheon of primordial forces shaping the universe of Isonir. Manifesting on the 30th year of creation, Hydros introduced the element of water to the emerging world, embodying adaptability, depth, and emotion. This primordial entity governs all bodies of water, from the vast oceans that cloak the world to the smallest droplets of rain, playing a crucial role in the sustenance and evolution of life.  

Birth and Domains

Birth: Hydros came into existence on the 30th day, following the ignition of Pyros's flame. The arrival of Hydros cooled the fiery landscapes, filling the carved basins and valleys with the first oceans, rivers, and lakes, thus bringing balance to the newly formed world.   Domains: Hydros rules over all aspects of water—its cycle from the depths of the oceans to the clouds in the sky and back again. This domain includes seas, rivers, lakes, rain, and fog, as well as the concept of water as a source of life, a medium for purification, and a force of change and erosion.  

Mythology and Worship

Creation Myth

Legends recount that Hydros was born from the union of Aether's breath and Pyros's heat, condensing to form the first clouds and rain. As Hydros's tears fell upon Gaia, they carved the earth, creating rivers and filling basins to form the seas. Hydros's gift of water became the lifeblood of the world, essential for the growth of plants, the thirst of creatures, and the rhythm of the seasons.  

Role in the Pantheon

Hydros is revered as a nurturing yet formidable force. The deity's moods are said to be as varied as the waters it commands, from the calm of a still pond to the fury of a tempest. In mythic stories, Hydros often interacts with other Primordials to bring fertility to the land, quench fires, or reshape landscapes, highlighting the interconnectedness of elemental powers.  

Worship and Cults

Followers of Hydros, known as Waterbearers, celebrate the deity through rituals that emphasize purification, healing, and reflection. Sacred sites are typically located near or on bodies of water, where rituals involve offerings cast into the depths or ceremonies conducted on boats. The Raindance, a festival seeking Hydros's favor for rainfall, is a significant event in regions dependent on agriculture, symbolizing the people's respect for the balance of the natural world.  

Influence and Legacy

The legacy of Hydros is evident in the dependence of all life forms on water for survival, the shaping of civilizations around rivers and coasts, and the inspiration water has provided for art, music, and literature. Hydros's influence is also seen in the development of navigation, fishing, and the understanding of the water cycle, which are critical to the advancement of society.   In artistic representations, Hydros is often depicted as a shape-shifting entity, ranging from a serene figure cradling a vessel of water to a fierce warrior emerging from the waves. Symbols associated with Hydros include the wave, representing fluidity and change; the fish, symbolizing abundance and life; and the color blue, reflecting the depths and tranquility of water.
Hydros (The Endless Depths)
Race Primordial
Date of Birth 0/01/40
Gender Male 
Portfolio Water
Status Inactive
Assosiated Religion Primordial Pantheon


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