2024 Summer Camp Prep

Week 1 : get yourself organized !


Theme : Change


One of the oldest and most impactful changes in my world is The Great Schism, an accidental event that occurred during a quarrel between the Gods. This incident caused a fracture in the Crimson City, now divided into two fragments. There is a before and an after to the schism. This event had direct and serious consequences for certain gods such as Morâ, but also for mortals, as some gods became evil as a result, and others changed their mentality.

As I'm just starting out in worldbuilding and have only just broadly created my world, nothing is developed, and I've only conceived a few things so far, so obviously I can't go into detail on the subject of change just yet. But I find it a very interesting and inspiring theme that I think will help me a lot in shaping the story of my world. I look forward to working on it !



  I've got lots of projects this summer, and won't be available much. So I don't want to commit to too many prompts. The aim is not to put pressure on myself, but to learn and improve my world. So I've decided to aim for Copper by committing to 8 prompts. And for my first Summer Camp, that'll be great.

Categories and Tags

  As I've only just started worldbuilding, my world is very underdeveloped, and so are my categories. I'm afraid of going too far in creating my categories and overdoing it, but I'll try to stay organized and methodical.   I've never used tags before, and to be honest, I don't really understand the point of them, and I'm a bit afraid of being all over the place if I start. So I'll stick to the #sc24 tag for now.  

For the older world : update the Meta

  This is obviously not an update for me, since I've just started worldbuilding, but I've been working on completing my Meta ! I'm glad I did it, because even if the information provided is basic data about my world, it helped me clarify my ideas and reinforce some of my choices. I invite you to take a look at it if you'd like to find out more about my universe !  

Week 2 : 8th June 2024


Theme : Refuge


Refuge is a rather abstract principle in Ispérion. In fact, with the biggest threat being the gods, particularly the Malverns, there aren't really any concrete refuges. If a God has something against a mortal, taking refuge in a temple, a house or anywhere else won't help.

If we increase the scope of refuge to something psychological, art, and particularly music, which is very present in my world, can be seen as a kind of refuge.

I must confess that this is not my most inspiring theme at the moment. Maybe because I'm a beginner and my world isn't very detailed yet. I'm going to have to take a serious look at this !


Prepare yourself : Find an accountability buddy


I've just joined the WorldAnvil Discord, and I've already met some fantastic people, always ready to help, brimming with imagination and very inspiring. I can't wait to continue this adventure in the company of all these wonderful people !


Prepare your world : Styling


I've just become a member of the Guild, so new perspectives have opened up for me in terms of the aesthetics of my world, at least on WA. I'm slowly learning to use CSS and I'm making the methods available to me my own. So far, I'm happy to have been able to color my articles and make aesthetic choices that fit in with my idea of the atmosphere of my world. In any case, I'll continue slowly but surely to learn the various methods available to us to make our articles more attractive !


Week 3 : 15th June 2024


Theme : Belief

  Wow, belief is a big topic. First of all, in Isperion, religion is very present. There are 4 on Corpolis, for example. Religion gives rhythm and meaning to the lives of many mortals in this universe. I really need to work on this aspect, because religion isn't really a belief in my world. A rather important and, I must say, somewhat delicate point I want to work on is the nature of religious beliefs. In reality, I don't think I can consider my religions as beliefs and have them cohabit, because that wouldn't be coherent, not because there can't be different beliefs within the same universe - we have proof of that in our real world - but because several aspects of my religions don't admit the fact that they're only faiths. For example, the Inherent, the faithful of The Web, live 1001 lives, or the Gods of The Beam live on an ark floating above Corpolis. The fact that the Inherent live 1001 lives is a fact, which prevents me from calling The Web a simple religion, and this is a priori the case for the 4 religions that exist in Ispérion. I can't wait to work on this theme !  

Prepare yourself : Find your inspirations IRL


I don't draw much inspiration from the real world, since worldbuilding is an outlet. But obviously, we can't escape our world, so I think we all have sources of inspiration, even unconscious ones, that come from reality.

I draw my inspiration mainly from the different climates and geography of our planet. On Corpolis, I have a wide variety of climates depending on the location of an environment (polar climate for The Crystal Mounts, rather humid for The Onyx Woods, rather hot for The Amber Tower, etc.). I'm also indirectly inspired by the scientific rules of reality, since I don't emancipate myself from them (that's a generality, of course !).

I'm also inspired by certain periods in our history, and certain cultures. However, I prefer to draw my inspiration in a very distant and global way from the cultures of our world, and I won't quote them, as I don't want this to become cultural appropriation. So I won't use any existing traditions, rituals or cultural practices from particular cultures (of course, it's not impossible that my ideas may unintentionally and unconsciously come close to tangible things), so as not to fall into that kind of practice.

  Artistically, I draw a lot of my inspiration from music. Here are a few exemples !  

Prepare your world : Images gallery and maps

From the start, I've relied on a small gallery of images to keep in mind the general atmosphere of my world. You can see a lot of very different atmospheres, which is normal since my world contains several planets, and the environments within those same planets are very varied. The cultures are also diverse, which also explains the contrasts. As for the maps, you can find the Corpolis map here.  

Week 4 : 22th June 2024


Theme : Decay


Ouch. This is not the easiest theme. I think it could be an extremely interesting subject to develop for your world. But for me, as I'm still only developing the beginnings of Ispérion, it seems a difficult point to tackle as it's quite specific. Obviously, there are several points of view when it comes to decay :

  • The biological point of view. Species and ecosystems are prone to decay.
  • From a more metaphorical point of view, decay also concerns cultures, religions and societies. This is all the more so true in a world like Ispérion, with its many different cultures and organizations.
  • Finally, there are a multitude of ways of looking at decay, from the physical decline of a building or geographical area, to what might be termed "mental" decline (a person's decay), or simply the gradual decrease or disappearance of something, such as the path of the Sun in our reality.
So I'm going to have to take a serious look at the subject to see what I can do with it, how I can relate it to what already exists in my world, and how it might be interesting to make it an important issue in Ispérion.


Prepare yourself : Optimize your environment


In reality, worldbuilding is not yet an activity that has really become part of my routine and habits. So for now, I haven't devoted any particular space to it ! I like to think and write at my desk, at night in my bed, in a studio at my conservatoire when I'm not motivated enough to work on my instruments (oops), in a random cozy place, or in my garden...


Prepare your world : Review your homepage


Done ! I've just been working on my homepage, and I must say I'm pretty proud of it ! After a fierce battle with CSS, I think I've managed to create the atmosphere I had in mind !

Summer Camp Camp Chill Badge
Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines
  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

  Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.
  If you'd like to repost this badge, use [imgblock:4574878] to include the guidelines or [img:4574878] for only the badge. Amy Winters-Voss made a block version you can use by adding [block:1050823] to your article.




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Jun 3, 2024 17:42 by Nimin N

Welcome to WA, and I hope you enjoy your first Summer Camp! Copper sounds like a good, balanced start. Have fun and best of luck reaching your goal!

Jun 3, 2024 17:47 by Phèdre

Thank you so much !

Jun 9, 2024 18:55

Copper is a good goal to set if you're starting out, especially if you're short on time. Wishing you all the best and a great Summer Camp. And like Kittymonster said - welcome aboard WA!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Jun 9, 2024 19:07 by Phèdre

Many thanks !!

Jun 27, 2024 00:00 by Keon Croucher

Welcome to the guild once again, and welcome to cutting your teeth on (I am biased and Feral as all hell) the best community event of the year! Copper is an excellent starting point!!! I'm very excited to see Isperion begin to come to life and see what you come up with. You've definitely got a creative spirit, and plenty of energy for it. I mean you've cracked many things about Worldanvil already, and are throwing yourself into the Grandmaster toolkit and already really making it work for you. So between that and just the concepts you've discussed above, and the bits we've shared when you were still on Freemason, I'm really excited to see what comes out of SC for you and for Isperion. A world and new Guild friend's first summer camp is always exciting!! Best of luck, and may you both meet your goal, and find yourself exceeding your own expectations! :D

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jun 27, 2024 16:29 by Phèdre

Thanks so much for your comment Keon ! I always love reading your messages so encouraging and caring ! Thank you so much for your compliments ! I have to say I'm a little stressed at the thought of camp, but the idea of seeing Ispérion develop and grow excites me so much that we'll get past the stress :) I wish you a great Summer Camp and I'm sure you'll do wonderful things !