The Evenlis

The Evenlis, once a prosperous and peaceful people, lived on the lush shores of the Pearly Waves, a vast expanse of crystal-clear water in the central region of Ispérion. They were renowned for their mastery of navigation and fishing, as well as for their magnificent lakeside cities built on stilts. The Evenlis lived in harmony with nature, venerating the sea as a benevolent deity that provided them with everything they needed.
However, some three generations ago, a devastating natural cataclysm changed their destiny. A massive undersea earthquake triggered a series of tsunamis that destroyed their coastal cities and forced the Evenlis to abandon their ancestral lands. The survivors were scattered and had to look for new places to settle.


The displacement of the Evenlis is directly linked to the natural cataclysm that destroyed their lake cities. Tsunamis ravaged their lands, making reconstruction impossible. The sea, once their nourishment, had become an unpredictable danger. Faced with this threat, the Evenlis began an exodus to safer lands. Their journey was long and perilous, but their faith and determination to survive eventually led them to the depths of the Pearly Waves, where they were able to rebuild their society and regain a measure of prosperity.
After years of wandering, the Evenlis have finally settled in the Pearly Waves. This immense ocean bordering their former homeland, the very ocean that reduced it to nothing, was finally their refuge and their new environment. The expanse of water is so vast that the Evenlis had to prospect for years before finding a safe, pleasant and resource-rich spot in its depths.
The Evenlis took root in this new living environment, becoming the founders of Corpolis' 5th caste, the Nacreans.
In this way, they became a resilient people, able to adapt to extreme environments and turn challenges into opportunities, while preserving the essence of their culture and beliefs.


Their skin is scaly, similar to that of a reptile. These thick, horny scales help protect them. Their skin is also resistant to abrasion and UV rays. Evenlis' skin can vary in hue from deep blue to emerald green, enabling them to camouflage themselves effectively in shallow waters and coastal forests. In addition to lungs developed for air, Evenlis have subcutaneous gills along their neck and torso. These gills enable them to breathe both underwater and on land, an adaptation crucial to their coastal lifestyle. Sensory receptors along their skin enable them to detect subtle changes in water temperature and salinity, essential for navigation and hunting. To communicate, they use facial expressions so subtle that only they can understand them.


Culture & Traditions

Here is an overview of Evenlis rituals and traditions.
Pearl ceremony : When a Nacrean reaches adulthood, a pearl ceremony is held. A master craftsman creates a unique pearl necklace, symbolizing the qualities and aspirations of the individual. This necklace is worn on important occasions and considered a personal talisman.
Festival of the Waves : This annual festival celebrates the power of the ocean and the diversity of marine life. Swimming competitions, water dance performances and seafood feasts are organized. The festival is also an opportunity for young Nacreans to showcase their artistic talents.
Guardian initiation : Future guardians, protectors of the city and its inhabitants, undergo a rigorous initiation ritual. They must prove their courage, strength and wisdom through a series of tests, including navigation in troubled waters and defense against sea creatures. Guardians are then honored in a public ceremony, receiving marine tattoos as a sign of their dedication.
Migration Day : This day commemorates the great migration of the Envenlis to the Pearly Waves. Historical reconstitutions, water parades and speeches are organized to recall this epic journey and the challenges overcome by the ancestors.  


Nacrean craftsmanship is renowned for its beauty and complexity. They create rare pearl-encrusted jewelry, elaborate coral sculptures and hand-woven marine tapestries.
Their architectural structures combine natural aesthetics with advanced marine engineering, using construction techniques that resist ocean currents while harmonizing with the underwater environment.   The music of the Nacreans is rooted in unique and fantastic musical systems that reflect their underwater environment and culture. The Abyssal Scale is a musical scale unique to the Nacreans, based on the sounds of deep-sea creatures and the resonances of the ocean depths. It consists of eight notes, each representing a specific sea creature or underwater phenomenon. The intervals between the notes are microtonal, creating a strange, mystical sound. This scale is used in sacred rituals and mystical compositions to evoke the depth and mystery of the abyss. Nacreans use a complex form of polyrhythm that incorporates natural and supernatural rhythms. Natural rhythms are based on the beating of fish fins, the breathing of sea creatures and the movement of currents. Examples include the fish rhythm (7/8) and the whale rhythm (5/4). Supernatural rhythms are inspired by Evenlis myths and legends, such as the Leviathan rhythm. The musicians superimpose these rhythms to create rich, complex rhythmic textures, symbolizing the diversity and richness of underwater life. Oceanic polyrhythm is essential to community dances and festive performances, fostering unity and synchronization within the community.  

Food & Cuisine

Nacrean cuisine is mainly based on seafood, seaweed and marine plants. Meals include fish, shellfish and varieties of edible seaweed.
The most emblematic traditional dishes of Nacrean culture are Supaqar, shells stuffed with a mixture of seafood, sea rice and spices, and Algae Bites, seaweed and fish cakes, grilled and served with a pearl sauce.
During festivities, the Nacreans organize sumptuous banquets where rare and exquisite dishes are served. Feasts often include large-scale seafood, exotic fish and desserts based on seafood and sea sugar.  

Major historical figures :

Eldrin the Wise was a famous scholar and composer, who codified Nacrean musical theory and wrote several treatises on the arts and marine sciences. His works are still studied and celebrated today.
The first explorer to map the Pearly Waves, Thysior is revered as a heroine. Her discoveries led to the safe colonization of the underwater regions.  


The Nacreans share strong, essential values, intrinsically linked to their marine life and migratory history. These values guide their individual and collective behavior, structuring their society and way of life in harmony with the ocean.
Among the most notable and respected values are symbiosis with their environment and protection of their ecosystem. The Evenlis firmly believe in respectful coexistence with the marine environment. They see the ocean not only as their home, but also as a living entity to be respected and protected.Every action is considered for its environmental impact. Fishing, construction and craft activities are regulated to minimize damage to marine flora and fauna.
Another fundamental value is solidarity. Sharing resources is a highly respected value. Fishing catches, seaweed harvests and other natural resources are distributed fairly to ensure that everyone has what they need. Nacrean society is highly communitarian. Daily tasks, such as fishing and building, are carried out collectively. Mutual aid is essential to survive and thrive in their underwater environment.
The last value, and undoubtedly the most important for the Evenlis, is transmission. Stories of past migrations, discoveries and heroes are carefully archived and commemorated. The transmission of history strengthens the collective identity of Nacreans. By knowing their past, Nacreans better understand their place in the world and the values that define them. Historical accounts recall the challenges overcome and successes achieved, inspiring pride and cohesion. Historical narratives are also a form of commemoration of ancestors and heroes. They preserve the memory of those who have contributed to the well-being and prosperity of the community. Ceremonies and festivals honor these historical figures, ensuring that their legacy is not forgotten.


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