The Great Schism

And the divine ark shattered, violently dislocated. The Gods saw their domain shatter and helplessly watched as their world was torn apart.

Tully the Enlightened, The Faussian Chronicles

In ancient times, within The Crimson City, celestial ark and domain of the Gods, a devastating quarrel broke out between Thaesis, the Malvern of Chaos, and Saga, the God of Knowledge.

Thaesis embodied the tumultuous energy of chaos, defying all forms of structure and law. He was the primordial force of the universe, always seeking imbalance and change. Saga, meanwhile, was the guardian of knowledge, protecting mortals from the ravages of ignorance, bestowing knowledge on those who deserved it.


The cause of their dispute goes back to times immemorial when mortals did not exist. When all the Gods and Malverns had been created, and it was time to beget mortals, it was decided that each deity would create a species. Saga created the Sagacians, a wise, intelligent and erudite humanoid species. Thaesis created a species whose name is still unknown today. This species was the most dangerous creature ever created. Saga, who foresaw the destructive purpose of this species and the danger it posed to all other mortals, tried to convince the Malvern to abandon it and create another specimen.


Thaesis' reaction was irrevocable: he had created his species, it was his right. Saga appealed to the other Gods, but they refused to give their opinion for fear of provoking the Malvern's wrath. However, some time after this dispute, Saga discovered that the species he had created had become extinct, reduced to nothing by that of Thaesis. Several other Gods complained about the actions of these creatures, who devastated everything in their path and wreaked havoc on other species, but they dared not provoke Thaesis. Saga, furious, challenged the Malvern all the same.


Thaesis, furious, uttered a cry of rage so colossal, so thunderous and violent that the whole ark shook, triggering a cataclysm that divided the heavens into two distinct fragments.

The consequences were disastrous. The Gods were separated. Some consorts, siblings, linked Gods were disunited, each stuck on one of the fragments.


The effects of the Great Schism were also devastating for gods such as Morâ, Serreth and Sar'Sagoth. Morâ, daughter of Ebor, sentinel Goddess, received shards of stone in her eyes during the fracture, leaving her blind.   Serreth fell into the breach. He didn't perish, because gods can't die. He escaped with scars, and, unable to return to the ark due to the exceptional gravity of the rift, he remained in its depths. This became what is now known as Desolation. This is the place where mortals who have made serious mistakes during their lives end up. It takes the form of an immense “corridor” with the appearance and climate of a rocky desert.   Sar'Sagoth, a once benevolent God, witness to the devastation caused by the feud between the deities, was corrupted by despair and rage. Consumed by the pain of seeing the universe in chaos, this God turned to darkness, becoming a force of destruction and doom. This episode is known as The Abjuration. His original name was Sar, but after The Great Schism, he took the suffix Sagoth.



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