"The Town Down the Road" Settlement in Isthalir | World Anvil
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"The Town Down the Road"

"Need a smithy eh? The Town Down the Road has one of the best around." - The Hermit

Wanderers, vagabonds, runaways, and all in between are welcome at the town down the road.

No one knows where the town down the road came from. Who built it or why. Most don't bother to ask in the first place. To those who find themselves lost on unfamiliar streets or weary after long travels, the town down the road offers a safe place to rest, recuperate, and enjoy good company of others who have found their way to the quaint little town.

The town down the road, as its name would suggest, exists always just down the road. No matter how remote the locale or absurd the geography those directed to the town will always find it no farther than a short walk down the road they are on. Directions to the town are always given by a hermit sitting on a rock or tree stump. The hermit always knows what the traveler needs, and will always direct them to "the town down the road".

The town consists of a dozen buildings. Nine of them are houses, each occupied by a small family of four or five. Should a traveler knock on one of their doors, they will he happily incited in for dinner and offered a spare bed to spend the night in. The town also holds a tavern, a blacksmith, and a small temple. The tavern is owned by a portly elf, who warmly greets all who enter his establishment. Food, drink, and a bed are always offered free of charge, with the tavern keeper commenting he "only fleeces his regulars". The blacksmith is run by a chipper young human, who similarly offers her services free of charge. Any item, regardless of material, make, or condition, will be returned the next morning in perfect condition. The temple in the town is empty, with a note left by the door that the owner is out but will surely return the next day. Any who choose to enter the temple will find warm beds and a shrine of their chosen deity for them to offer prayer to. Those who lack faith instead find a small fountain. Sleeping in the temple rejuvenates the spirit and body, healing any wounds and curing any sickness. Travelers are welcome to stay in the town for as long as they wish, thought for whatever reason none feel compelled to stay forever.

Seasoned travelers and world wanderers often spread rumors of ways to "summon" the town. Burning offerings to gods of travel, performing elaborate rituals, or seeking specific landmarks. In reality, the town down the road and the hermit that heralds it appears to those it feels need it the most and are worthy of its services. Those prone to violence of cruelty, those who would harm the peace and comfort of the town, are never welcome and never find it. The town down the road exists to offer the weary of the world a safety and respite. There is no way to know when you might find it. But all who find themselves far from home find their way onto its streets, with warm food and good people waiting for them.


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