Istian Pantheon

Amalur Amaterasu Dalia Angharradh Mystryl Matrona Mystra Yemaya Nortia Waukeen     Laima Aya Istus Neith Mokosh Rozhanitsa
Darcetius Cangdi Selvans Dagda Cerunnos Sucellus Silvanus Osanyin Apsat Valkur Yarilo Kurunta Malar Cocidius Bhimal Troglav
Taranis Susano-o Thunor Bhaelros Velnius Ukko Talos Shango Donar Vogan Perun Iskur Kozah Mogh Roith Kresnik Stribog
Neto Hachiman Chemosh Garagos Tethrin Neit Tempus Ogun Rudianos Dorn Yarovit         Nergal Rak Tulkhesh      Camulos        Begtse        Kyzaghan      
Nabia Mazu Ran Auril Sarula Li Ban Umberlee Oya Acionna Osprem Sedna Nammu      Zeboim Dagat Laume Tsovinar
Nemestrinus       Omoikane        Woden              Gond              Labelas            Lugh                Oghma            Orunmila      Gobannus    Deneir       Mimir       Enki          Milil              Gofannon Mergen Svarog
Astarte Amesemi Perchta Lucha Sehanine Arianrhod Selune Biri Arduinna Nydra Kutar Ishtar Elah Ostara Ningal Devana
Trebaruna Xuannu Baduhenna Oreshka Vandria Nemain Shar Miket Fulla Vana Nott Agasaya Leira Rheda Menhit Morana
Ataegina Izanami Mara Ereshkigal Morrigan Scathach Raven Queen Yewa Ankou Letha Veliuona Irkall Sul Khatesh Arsay Lelwani Marzanna

Mythology & Lore

In the world of Istia there are nine known and recognized deities. Each country and culture refers to them using different names, but the entities are the same regardless of the name they are given. Additionally, some cultures might associate additional domains to some of the deities based on things that are important to that culture, however that does not change the true nature of each entity.


Temples in Istia are not dedicated to a single deity, but to the pantheon as a whole. This allows people to pray or seek guidance from whichever deity they like. Some individuals select a personal deity that they favor over the others, while some have a more situational style of worship. Clerics functional in a similar way, in that they can be a cleric of the pantheon in its entirity, or select a particular deity that they feel most connected to.   The gods set out to avoid religious conflict as much as possible in Istia and they have been mostly successful using this method. In truth, most large-scale conflict in Istia is focused on territorial expansion, disagreement on cultural practices or morals, and in some rare cases - plain racism.

Cover image: by WotC