The Fade

The Fade is an illness that has recently begun effecting all organic and elemental beings in Istia. It begins with simple fatigue, but as time goes on, that grey tinge that seems to be a result of regular fatigue starts to become truth. Those experiencing the Fade begin to have all color sapped from their countenance, along with what makes up their vital essence. Soon they become an exhausted, colorless version of their former self, until they are bedridden. Eventually their body can no longer muster the energy to sustain itself, and so they breathe their last.   The Fade does not discriminate based on age, race, class, or profession. It takes at most a few months to run its course, and as of now, there are no known survivors.   The governments and leading institutions across Istia have all assured citizens that they are attempting to discern the cause and the transmission vector, but at this point there seems to be no progress.

Cover image: by WotC