Shroud Beacon
These Beacons are created by the greatest Forgers of Wagram. They are arcane devices that are able to produce small pockets of protection from The Shroud similar to what the Bastion Cities have, although at a much smaller scale.
This protection pushes The Shroud back for several hundred yards in a sphere centered on the beacon. Most monsters within the shourd seem to be unwilling to venture within this area under normal circumstances. This protection is by no means absolute, but so long as a monster has no reason to venture into the area it will avoid it.
A beacon's power remains dormant after it is Forged until is is activated. Once it has been activated it will partially embed itself into the ground, and become unable to be moved. It's protection will last indefinitely unless the beacon is destroyed.
Although beacons are Forged from metal and stone they become somewhat fragile once activated. Normal weathering will not effect it, but any adult with a hammer would be able to break it with enough effort.