Goth Club

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  Goth Club is an exclusively Goth organisation that was founded by Naseem Samawi, former vampire.   It began as a joke about Naseem's tendency to wear dark clothes and gothic attire. Over time, this spun into regular meetings of those with similar aesthetic taste, who often also shared a taste for the morbid. They would meet in graveyards and similar dark places, and stories of their gatherings attracted unwanted attention from suspicious locals or religious nuts.   Though nothing occult is known to have happened at any Goth Club meeting, the club did indeed turn into a true club, and the new organisation began to spread as an entire subculture. Though almost certainly not entirely started by Naseem, he has nonetheless had a decent amount of influence on goths throughout Takawaoku by sheer coincidence. Meetings are generally on a monthly basis, with invitations to be delivered by raven.
Social, Group

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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