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  Heartstones are objects of vital importance to the dwarves, regardless of their origin. Every dwarf has a heartstone, and it is considered their dearest possession. A dwarf's first heartstone is made from a material closely relating to their family's traditions and professions, but may eventually be changed for something more representative of themselves as they reach adulthood and beyond.   A blacksmith, for example, might live by the iron and lava flowing through his mighty forge, whilst a warrior might hold close the steel he used for battle. If they show no particular attachment to any given stone or metal, they retain their first heartstone.   To change a heartstone is a ritual in and of itself, and one personal to the dwarf in question. If their heartstone is lost, it may easily be replaced with another of the same sort without much fanfare, but changing it to another form of stone or metal requires a small ritual personal to the individual dwarf.   When a dwarf of Gildómar dies, their heartstone - or a replacement of it, if the original is not obtainable - is placed within Memory's Pathway. Other dwarf-dominant nations have their own special traditions, and those that live elsewhere will typically incorporate heartstones into their funerary rites.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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