House Al'turia

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  House Al'turia is one of the noble houses of Galasthin. It is currently lead by Almari Al'turia, whose compassionate manner is celebrated throughout the House as a beacon of their family's values. The House's current scion is Cadéaran Al'turia, who follows in his mother's footsteps in manner and kindness.   Bound to pure good, House Al'turia is sworn to ensure equality and freedom for all people of Galasthin and beyond. They are proud diplomats and charityworkers, living their lives in utter service to the nation's disadvantaged. They expect the least of their members, freely granting their kin release from their oaths to seek other paths if they so wish, but are generally in lines of fulfilling work. They also serve as the default nobility to step into any situation that calls for noble intervention.   Their members do not always reflect the good to which their house is bound. Indeed, no small number of the House's finest have made names for them as obstinate, argumentative, and downright unhelpful members of society, though usually due to the goals they seek to accomplish clashing with the views or sensibilities of others. Some, too, decide that the best way to achieve their House's purpose is through more direct measures - with often questionable legality.
Geopolitical, Great house
Ruling Organization

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)
Character flag image: Sigil of House Al'turia by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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