Ley Siphon

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  Ley siphons are a strange form of magic-infused technology that lock onto wellsprings of natural power. They are a Fjolkan invention, and owe their creation to the magic-dominant environment that Fjolkandr is settled within.   Their use is largely in powering low-power machinery over a long period of time without needing to constantly resupply magic from external sources. Larger applications have thus far been avoided out of fear of the backlash; leyline magic is notoriously unstable, and even normal application of ley siphons has occasionally caused chaos or minor destruction if the leylines nearby have fluctuated significantly.


Ah, ah, ah! Trade secrets!
— inventor
  As ley siphons could be damaging in the wrong hands - both in terms of environmental damage and in terms of the race for technological power - their manufacture is a well-guarded secret. It is known that the creation process must involve druids or otherwise nature-connected beings, but how far that extends - and what else must be done - is only known to those few in Fjolkandr that hold onto their secret.

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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