Proclamation of the Crown

For the love of ducks, another one of these bullshit claims... Wait, they're sending for-- do they have proof?!
— adventurer
  For millennia, researchers have known of the Words of the Silent: a prophecy discovered in the depths of the Sunari Wilderness that speaks of a world's end, its final dirge, and the glimmer of hope that may halt apocalypse in its tracks. That glimmer is stored, according to the prophecy, in a group of heroes - and in a crown.  
Expedition on Ascirthe by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
For millennia, scholars have quibbled over what they believe the crown to be. A literal crown, a representation of sovereignty, a long-held territory, something vaguely resembling a crown, a title, or a very high point on a map -- there are, ultimately, too many possibilities for any one guess to be taken seriously. Certainly not when there is no evidence for any of the claims.   You may now see where this is going.   The Proclamation of the Crown is an official letter, signed and stamped by a large expedition made up of well-learned individuals from sixteen different nations across four continents (and a few islands), that claims to have uncovered the location of the crown referenced in the Words. They declare that they have found it... in one of the most untouched places of all Istralar. At the world's most northernmost point, in the endless frozen hell of Ascirthe. Their expedition, the Pelgrehin Expedition, has founded a small settlement where they can rest nearby, for none can agree to leave it behind.
  If it is truth and not mere madness, then the knowledge that an artifact of incredible power lies in unclaimed territory is dangerous. Released to the world as their proclamation has been, the eyes of empires and villains turn north...  

International Reaction

This cannot be true. Ascirthe, of all places?
— nobleman
  The proclamation was copied hundreds of times, and delivered in countless ways. Arcane mages teleported to postal hubs in large cities. A force of sailors rode to Guided Breath, last stop on the edge of the north, to see missives passed to Isyrei traders. Others, with stronger boats, sailed further south to make deliveries along Iskaldhal's coast - to K'zudh Ev, Fjolkandr, Restruja, Volkur and beyond to all of Iskaldhal's coastal nations.  
They did not stop there; they continued west, resupplying as they went, with intent to bring the news to even seadwelling Laminaeles and beyond to Istralar's many island nations - even to Vexua, the isolationist utopia.   Rapidly, in the second month of 5627, the news began to reach new quarters. It sped along through the Iceflows to Polyhedra, Gildómar, and the like. It found its way to the highest ears of the world's greatest empires - the Aletheian Empire and the Medimian Empire - and all the rest of Valathe's most powerful. The ageless elves of Galasthin, the jade halls of Yulan Sheng, the deathstalked land of Vuorenmaa; each heard of the tale as it darted east.   With the lifting of Gaia's Lament, even southern Takawaoku has now heard tell of what lies in the north. It threatens to shatter the uneasy peace and recovery they have only just entered into with their recent freedom, for even the bereaved Shiar cannot afford to ignore the letter.
Letter's Journey by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
  Each and every nation must make the decision on how to respond to this call, and must do so swiftly. If any nation chooses violence, then the world may erupt into a more fearsome war than any before. There is every chance that the letter lies, that the Expedition were fooled - but with stakes as high as these, no nation can ignore the potential threat. It is simply too important.
Letter's Journey by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
Authoring Date

Is it True?

  Reaching Ascirthe is a challenge at any time of the year. Winter still rules the northern hemisphere of Istralar; it is nigh impossible to reach the ice's heart at this time of year. How the Expedition managed to is unknown; even magic cannot compete with the sheer force of natural danger beheld in Ascirthe's weather alone.   Worse, the world has recently plunged into a period of global weather issues, likely caused by the remnant damage of the Earth-Mother's Gift being reforged into Tyreos within the Sea of Souls.   Magic itself is more unpredictable in these times, especially at the northern cap. Thus far, attempts to scry on Ascirthe's supposed inhabitants - the Expedition - to teleport there have universally failed. To confirm the letter's contents, then, travel must be done with mortal skill.   Until contact is made with the Expedition in some manner, the document's contents will remain a mystery. Even now, though, they have alerted a frenzy in each and every nation. The search has begun.
So a tale begins. History shall crack under this one's weight, in time.
— the Storyteller

Cover image: Cover by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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Aug 2, 2024 01:31 by Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Ah shit, here we go again

Ahoy hoy! Have a happy day! Check out my world Vertinall!
Aug 13, 2024 14:13 by Han


welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 12, 2024 21:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh boy, that sounds like it's going to lead to something... probably something bad.

Aug 13, 2024 14:13 by Han


welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 13, 2024 17:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

:) (Oops, forgot to click like.)

Aug 23, 2024 13:07 by Tillerz

Perfect look as always, interesting article. :) Is that something campaign related? So might there be updates at some point?

Aug 26, 2024 12:38 by Han

Absolutely. ;) I don't know if the after-effects of this will end up being something in the currently campaign (that.. really depends on which rumours my party decide to pay attention to), but this will certainly evolve and start impacting the second game if it doesn't get resolved in the course of the first...   The way I GM stuff, I like to set up a lot of different things happening in the world that the party can choose to pay attention to. So if they hear about this and deem it irrelevant to their current apocalyptic crisis, which it may or may not be, then it'll be a story point for the next party instead!

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!