Teacup Resistance

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  The Teacup Resistance is a rebel movement that began in Viresca. It aims to fight against the oppressive rule of the Medimian Empire, and seeks a freer life for the people of the Empire.   Due to the dangers of rebelling in the Empire, rebels keep their participation very secret. They use teacups and the tea-based language of Spiltea to communicate where possible, and change headquarters on an irregular schedule. The Empire has tried to stamp them out many times to no avail: though they have managed to execute and imprison some, the careful divvying-up of knowledge has prevented any far-reaching leaks of information.
Illicit, Rebel
Notable Members

Articles under Teacup Resistance

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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