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The city is abandoned. Fissures of heat and tainted water is all that remains. Earthquakes aren't uncommon, causing buildings to fall. Under the city lays an Ancient Red Dragon. The ground and air are covered in a thin layer of soot.  
  • Population: 345000*
  • Leader: Bishop Reed Kovaqin - Level 4 Yuan-ti Fighter
  • Guards: Level 3 Monks
  • Merric's Fish Row: A aristocratic district with the scent of caramel in the air.
  • West Star: A squalid district with the scent of garlic in the air.
  • Gold Avenue: A modest district with the scent of fresh milk in the air.
  • Soveliss's Hill: A poor district with the scent of earth in the air.
  • Low Water: A wealthy district with the scent of tobacco in the air.
  • Huner's Enchanted Menagerie of Dreaming Oddities: A Pet Store owned by Huner E'tellor, an Orc who has short coily green hair, has a neck twice as wide as their face and can't read.
  • The Roaring Fount: A Magic Shop owned by Althaea Callie, a Grung who has light teal colored skin, looks twice their age and is a member of the Assassins' Guild.
  • Lael's Celestial Bar: A Tavern owned by Lael Glim, a Goliath who is bald with deep-set eyes and an upturned nose and runs and illegal fighting ring nearby.
  • The Nook of Yahsquin: A General Store owned by Yahsquin James, a Loxodon who has dark teal colored skin, is blessed with lavish curves and has a habit of losing their false teeth.
  • Himo's Treasures: A Potion Shop owned by Himo Quinn, a Halfling who has long braided red hair with shifting eyes and a hushed voice and now has cold feet.
  • Courageous Normalities: A Clothing Store owned by Tierney Mavcius, a Satyr who is bald, is humming to themselves and scratching flaky skin and serves a talking cow.
  • The Treasures of Ali: A Jewelry Shop owned by Ali Barakas, a Warforged who is made from brass, is wearing clothes that are three sizes to big and can only tell the truth.
  • Ander's Oddities: A Blacksmith owned by Ander Rangrim, a Fire Genasi who has short greasy warm colored hair, is devoid of eyebrows and a sense of humor and once looked completely different.

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