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Built on a lone ridge of a mountain, this village has a massive stone bridge connecting it to the other side of a vast canyon. The buildings here almost go straight up the walls with limited expanse into the actual mountain. The village doesn't allow private citizens or travellers to have weapons. Only the townsguard may be in possension of weapons during their shifts. All others are taken when arriving in the village.  
  • Population: 500
  • Leader: Tsarina Iugrun Claymore - Level 5 Minotaur Paladin
  • Guards: Level 1 Paladins
  • Cloud Side: A modest district with the scent of gunpowder in the air.
  • Birel's Eccentricities: A Theater owned by Birel Kathra, a Goblin who has shoulder-length shaggy purple hair with a heavy limp and a can-do attitude and owns a dog that can speak Common.
  • The Wild Stall of Perrin: A General Store owned by Perrin Olley, an Aasimar who has shaved red hair, walks with the grace of a dancer and is tracking the party's movements for the spy's guild.
  • Loud Whimsicalities: A Magic Shop owned by Xencord Devon, a Harengon who has orange fur with one leg, and a hangman's scar on their neck and is being blackmailed.

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