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Built on the edge of two merging rivers, many of the houses are made from molded Truffula wood and have small docks that lead into the wide rivers to help with fishing and general enjoyment of the water. Each member of the community wears a single iron manacle on their left hand, with a few links of chain dangling from it. These are keepsakes from the founders of the city, who were a band of escaped slaves that successfully fled here to escape their masters.  
  • Population: 76700
  • Leader: Czar Flint Audhild - Level 5 Kenku Warlock
  • Guards: Level 5 Paladins
  • Ren's Sun Market: A squalid district with the scent of metal in the air.
  • Avilseer's Haunted Brook: A aristocratic district with the scent of leather in the air.
  • Ceder's Docks: A modest district with the scent of oatmeal in the air.
  • The Fast Menagerie: A Pet Store owned by Eeaves Percy, a Vedalken who is bald, wearing a tall hat and was an escaped convict in their youth.
  • Harbek's Peculiarities: A Magic Shop owned by Harbek Traubon, an Owlin who has blue feathers with a slack face on one side impeding their speech and thinks humans are useless.
  • Darrak's Pegasus: A Tavern owned by Darrak Rael, an Elf who has long styled green hair with a lumpy nose that looks a bit infected and is afraid of bats.
  • The Flimsy Fount: A Book Store owned by St. Lerissa Chidi, a Fire Genasi who has short shaggy warm colored hair with scabby knuckles they won't stop cracking and distrusts at least one party member.

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