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The metropolis is covered with aqueducts that help simulate indoor plumbing. Gears and cogs whir around you, whilst steam sputters from nearby pipes as you make your way through the busy, cobbled streets. There are layers upon layers of conspiracies in the metropolis. Plots and counter plots exist all throughout the metropolis with everyone's end goal being personal and private.  
  • Population: 2890000
  • Leader: Dominus Noamurua immeral - Level 13 Warforged Wizard
  • Guards: Level 5 Paladins
  • Cotton Harbor: A poor district with the scent of rain in the air.
  • Helle's Crossing: A wretched district with the scent of fresh milk in the air.
  • Aramil's New Song: A modest district with the scent of spoiled milk in the air.
  • The House: A comfortable district with the scent of honeysuckle in the air.
  • The Ward: A wealthy district with the scent of hay in the air.
  • Haunted Town: A aristocratic district with the scent of dragonfruit in the air.
  • The Fantastic Treasures of Theren: A Potion Shop owned by Theren Oakfury, an Earth Genasi who has long rigid dark colored hair with a pretty face and big ideas and is self-obsessed.
  • Quinn's Lucky Center: A Theater owned by Quinn Quarion, a Halfling who has shaved black hair with bare feet and freckled cheeks and is comically hot-tempered.
  • Urg's Spellbound Store of Powerful Peculiarities: A Pet Store owned by Urg Peren, a Human who has long coily pink hair with the energy of an overstimulated child and is in deep with a local crime boss.
  • Thoradin's Deep Goods: A Magic Shop owned by Thoradin Oorr, a Bugbear who has blue fur with a slight overbite and is being blackmailed.
  • The Double Kenku: A Tavern owned by Leagallow Ikki, a Satyr who is bald, is nervously chewing their upper lip and lies for fun.
  • Caarter's Unconventionalities: A Jewelry Shop owned by Caarter Orianna, a Changeling who has short flashy red hair with scabby knuckles they won't stop cracking and is wearing a protection charm which protects them from enchantment spells.
  • The Purple Pub: An Inn owned by Vimak Valanthe, an Air Genasi who has short wild pastel colored hair with a dour expression and hates children.
  • The Pretty Forge: A Blacksmith owned by Traubon Mehen, a Sapphire Dragonborn who has long greasy blue hair with a peg leg and may have made a pact with a demon.
  • Irati's Eccentricities: A Book Store owned by Irati X'ian, an Yuan-ti who is bald, is wearing goggles and chomping a smoldering cigar and fears commitment.
  • The Shoppe of Phann: A Clothing Store owned by Phann Ironmane, a Centaur who is bald, is wearing far too many belts and silver jewelry and runs a multi-level-marketing scam.

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