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Snake Den

Level 1 Medium Dungeon (Combat):   Once the players enter, they notice three Kobold *Roll initiative*. They progress further into the cave and see the skeletal remains of a great wrym that once tunneled into this cave. The players must make a DC 10 Athletics/Acrobatics check to move under the rib bones or take 1d4 piercing damage and are poisoned for 1 hour as they puncture themselves attempting to crawl under it (once they make the check, they do not have to make it again in this dungeon). In this next room, there are three more Kobold ready to ambush (DC 8 Perception to not be surprised) the party as they heard the bones jangles when the party made their way through them *Roll initiative*. They make their way to the final chamber where they see a small "camp" where the kobolds obviously lived. Before them stands four Kobold (one is the boss) and two sleeping Kobold. The party can attempt to surprise the group (only the two sleeping will be surprised) *Roll initiative*. After they are defeated, loot is to be collected:  
  • 20 cp per Kobold (240 cp)
  • 1 Potion of healing
  • A very sharp dagger (+1 dagger from boss)

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