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Vesali Khan

Squire Vesali Khan

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Khan believes that all people, no matter their station, do deserve a level of respect and dignity. He believes that people, given the chance, will do the right thing, and he himself attempts to do that as well. Khan will not engage in needless bloodshed, nor does he like to put innocents in harms way. Given the opportunity, Khan rather let someone live than put them to the sword.

Personality Characteristics


Khan is motivated and fueled by achievement. He wishes for those around him to like him, and more so, he wishes to propel himself to a sort of greatness. While he seeks to bring his family power, he also, in turn, wishes to secure his own, without resorting to greedy means.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Khan is adept at mounted combat in all forms.

Likes & Dislikes

Khan enjoys sport and sportsmanship in all forms, he also enjoys hunting in his free time, and reading. More specficially, Khan enjoys reading historical entrees and documents describing battles and wars.    Khan dislikes a number of things, most notably, he dislikes those who cheat and take advantage of others. He frowns upon those who doubt him or his abilities, especially when they have yet to meet properly. Khan, naturally hating the sight of others being advantaged, has a strong disdain for slavery, and a soft spot for slaves.

Vices & Personality flaws

Khan will often take things to heart too quickly, and will allow words to change his attitude. He often takes insults very personally.    Khan also has a deeply seated fear large insectoids, but luckly for Khan, these are things only of nightmares.


Khan dislikes long periods of time where he can't wash himself.

A young noblemen of the Tirian Empire, serving as a squire.

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Neutral Good
Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 pounds

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Off to Midos
Undetermined Time

I haven't much time to write, but I figured I'd scribble down a few things whilst time is still available. I'm being sent off to Midos, in order to speak with officials in the region. The exact details of the assignment elude me, but I'll make sure to ask along the way. Hopefully, with this trip, I'll be one step closer towards my own knighthood. We'll see what the road holds for us.  


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