Cigto Settlement in Ithan | World Anvil


Cigto is a large mining town in Skayton. It has been used to mine various ores for many years, and has proved to be successful in this endeavor. When mines become depleted, the residents of Cigto perform a ritual that restores the mine to its former glory over a period of several years. This town is a major supplier of copper, tin, zinc, and gold for northern Skayton. Iron, Ikos, and silver are primarily provided by a different town located 19 kilometers to the east of Cigto.


Off to Work We Go

The Cigtoyans are known far and wide to be hard workers, although the reality is that they must be to survive. If they slack while in the mines, they are far more likely to walk away with a lost limb or worse — cause the entire shaft of the mine to cave in on them and their coworkers. Caution and dutiful dedication to their work is the way to a life of success for a laborer in the Cigtoyan mines.


Despite the inherent dangers of working in a mine, it is not seen as a lowly profession in Cigto. In fact, the miners are commonly celebrated with feasts and festivals whenever an achievement of some kind is had. The mines of Cigto are also far safer than most mines elsewhere in Skayton due to the unique framework the Cigtoyan peoples have developed. Using triangular lattices of beams and magical enchantments have become commonplace in the town's mines, and many deaths have been prevented due to the fact. The most commonplace mining danger of Cigto is inhaling rock dust.


Quota and Quarrel

The Cigtoyan miners' quota raises as the population of Skayton increases. This has caused the miners much grief. In response, the miners have banded together to submit a petition to the Emprex of Skayton, asking for their quota to be negotiated between the miners and the government instead of being solely the government's decision. The miners have not yet rallied enough support for them to believe their petition would be taken seriously. As such, the petition has not been sent and no changes have been made as of 1322 AF.


  • Cigto
Founding Date
1224 AF
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Vertixico


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