Domestic Rabbit
Domestic rabbits are a species of small, domesticated lagomorphs found throughout Ithan. These creatures are commonly kept as pets as well as meat and fiber sources. There are many breeds of domestic rabbit. Some breeds are bred to be meat, some fibre sources, and some companion animals. Male rabbits are known as "bucks", females as "does", and young as "kits".
Notable Breeds
Atrilian Rabbit
Atrilian rabbits are a breed of domestic rabbit specifically reared to be pets. They are the Ithani equivalent of a Dutch rabbit. They are easily recognizable by their markings: a white blaze on the nose, a colored head, a white torso, and a colored rump.
Hegalean Giant Rabbit
Hegalean Giant rabbits are a breed of domestic rabbit that are used as a meat source. They are the Ithani equivalent of Flemish Giant rabbits. They are the largest breed of rabbit in all of Ithan. They are renowned to be gentle giants, which greatly contrasts Hegale's recent political attitude.
Great Mane Rabbit
Great Mane rabbits are a breed of domestic rabbit that are used as a source of fiber. They are the Ithani equivalent of Lion Mane rabbits. They are known for their very long ruff of fur about their necks. They are commonly kept as pets by spinners of rabbit hair thread and yarn.
Adorable. I love the great mane rabbit the most, I think. :D
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