Magic Calcification

This article is a work in progress

Magic Calcification is a dangerous viral illness that causes the magic found within Elves and Gnomes to transform into jagged, stone-like growths composed primarily of calcium. Magic is found throughout the body in these two species and, as such, the stone can form anywhere. The growths are generally known to cause great physical pain to the affected person. This illness is renowned for being difficult to treat, but the prognosis has been improving steadily over the years. Growths disappear within a month of clearing the viral infection, but only if the infection is completely gone.



This illness is caused by a reaction to an infection caused by the virus Saxumvirus. Saxumvirus is transmitted primarily through indirect contact, which involves coming into contact with a contaminated object. This contaminated object tends to be water, in the case of Saxumvirus. The virus can spread from host to host, but the instance of this is rare.


Symptoms, Effects, and Prognosis

This condition causes many secondary symptoms in addition to the stone-like growths that appear. These symptoms have been shown to be side effects of the condition, and not of the viral infection. They can include, but are not limited to painful bruises; painful urination; blood in the urine; abdominal pain; abdominal cramping; gastrointestinal upset; and diarrhea. It is currently unknown why such gastrointestinal and urinary symptoms appear, but it is believed that magic tends to calcify in those tracts at an increased rate. This is despite the fact that these two places are two parts of the body with relatively low amounts of magic in the tissue, at least for Elves and Gnomes.


Gastrointestinal upset is a symptom of magic calcification that — in extreme cases — can last for months after the infection is cleared.

Affected Species
Reaction to an infection by Saxumvirus
45% of patients die if not treated

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Jul 13, 2021 02:15

Horrifying! I hate it! It's great!