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Crafty and cunning, brutal and brawny; Goblinoids come in all shapes and sizes with some with a loose culture and organization. All Goblinoids seek to make the most of the comparatively short lives and are aided by this by being born into the world with intrinsic instincts and gifts for survival. Many Goblins can be found in cities for dwarves and humans(as well as their own), with a knack for tinkering and mischief, but due to their small size, always seek a out groups to associate themselves with. Bugbears are more comfortable in the wild and make formidable warriors, though a few can be found in cities as well. Often seen as antagonistic forces, Goblinoids can be lived with in harmony if they are having their basic needs met, however they are often raid settlements for goods and food. Their own settlements are chaotic and sprawling, but varied in location. From underground taverns to dark forests, Goblinoids can carve out a niche anywhere.   Ogres and Worgs result from variations of the spawning process, and though it results in among the powerful goblinoids, they have low intelligence(though still capable of basic language) and typically ally themselves and follow their bugbear or goblin kin(unfortunately not playable variant). Ogres result when the is a genetic anomaly where a one spawn grows larger the the others and devours its kin and majority of the food in the pit. This results in giant creatures with immense strength but low intelligence. Worgs are created from the cross species mix up in spawn pits. Goblinoids often have symbiotic relationships with wolves and rats, and when Worgs are a amalgam between the three creatures. Though also having low intelligence, but are cunning and are capable of speech and there own language which they use to command other rats and wolves.

Basic Information


Of all sapient spciece, goblinoid are the most diverse in size, strength and intellect, but 3 overarching categories. Small ones(goblins), big ones; bugbears and giant ones; Ogres. Goblins can be complexion and hair coverage can vary, common flesh tones and of orange, green, brown, pink, grey. These factors are predominantly determined by the environmental factors in play at the location of their spawning. With colder climates leading to more hair, forest areas leading to darker more camouflaged complexions etc.   Due to the dim atmosphere and underground nature of their home realm, all goblinoids have Darkvision. They often present in with other fey effects of resistance to charms. They can also have uncanny abilities in stealth, strength or intelligence, depending on the survivals style of the goblin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins are the comparatively very short lived, but this is key to understanding the culture and demeanor of goblinoids. Goblins themselves live fast, hard and with a vivid curiosity for the world. This often gets them in trouble and hastens their ends, but this is a life seen as worth living. Bugbears are more slow paced. They are naturally strong hunters and warriors, but given the chance they are often happy to let others work on their behalf while they enjoy simple pleasures. A full belly and the simple pleasures with suffice for most Bugbears.    Goblinoids do not reproduce themselves, but instead a born from cultivated spawn pits.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblinoids have a unique birth cycle that keeps there presence ubiquitous. They emerge from primordial spawning pits fed on mushrooms, offal, scraps and their own secretions, to form a unique and magical concoction. Goblins, Bugbears, Worgs, or Ogres emerge from this spawn after growing. These spawn pits can occur naturally or be cultivated their shanty's, and the goblinoid spawned can correlate with some met conditions(goblins in underground/city spawns, bugbears in forest spawns, Worgs from Rat litters, Ogres when food supply is high)

Ecology and Habitats

Goblinoids are highly adaptable to all ecosystems. Preferred locations are underground caverns for Goblins, dark forests for bugbears, Grasslands for ogre and worgs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblinoids have a specially affinity for the cultivation of mushrooms. This can make up a large part of their diet especially underground, but this is supplemented by hunting and gathered resources. Goblins don't have the patience or time for farming (the mushrooms are pretty self sufficient), so food stores are common raiding targets. Bugbears are the best hunters, but need to be incentivized to do it for more than just themselves.

Biological Cycle

Goblins spawn in the pits as small as tadpoles that rapidly grow in around 3-6 months(depending) until they emerge. They will typically spend another month in the spawn pits, jostling and competing with other babies for food, until they emerge from the pit into the world. Within another 3 months they will reach they full size. The spawn pits due more than just grow them, but through inherent goblin magic impart basic instincts, language and a basic understanding of goblin pecking orders. This whole process means a goblin pit can spawn a full camp inside one year, without need for family structure or any major societal care. Unfortunately, Goblinoid life expectancy is typically short, and their lives are brutal that many are cut down before that, balancing out numbers. Additionally food constraints will reduce spawning rates.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Many Goblinoids are considered ugly by other species, but there are numerous and varied appearances that can appeal to traditional beauty standards. Goblinoids themselves don't much care, being adept at seeing beauty where few others do, and treasures in others trash.

Gender Ideals

Gender is very fluid with Goblinoids, as it has no direct reproductive correlation. They do have presenting males and females, but many don't bother considering it or are some other intergender.

Relationship Ideals

Goblins do not form families due to their heritage, but do form bands for protection and support. These can be purely utilitarian where odds or survival are they only consideration, but can also be deep emotional bonds. While often with their own kin, Goblinoids have little problem banding with other species.

Average Technological Level

Many small goblins are very proficient tinkers and forgers, being able to come up with traps and designs that are ingenious and deadly. Alchemy, poisons and fungus cultivation are valued skills as well.

Common Etiquette Rules



Svartalfheim is a was a realm of gloomy forests and twisted underground caverns. Removed from the celestial sphere, it had no sun, moon or stars. This is the native realm of many current species of Inthavol, though it to fell in Ragnarök. Dwarves, Dark Elves and Goblinoids competed for and warred for dominion over the realm, though no true victory was one by any before its end. Goblinoids worshiped and where propegated
Scientific Name

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Cover image: Banner Saga Backround by stoic studio


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