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Toskr are squirrel like humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the worlds wonders. Many Toskr remain in forests in clans that build deep symbiotic settlements with other forest dwellers, where they gather food, craft goods and spin tales, keeping mostly to themselves . However many Toskr are not satisfied abilitiesadeptformidable

Basic Information


The Toskr are a very easily spottable race. They resemble humanoid squirrel-like beings that have either red & auburn, shimmering grey, or glossy black fur. Pointed ears protrude from the top of their heads and are often crested with tufts of fluff. Their tails alone are usually larger than the majority of their small bodies. While normal squirrels have a poorly formed thumb on their paws and therefore need both hands to grasp something, the Toskr have fully prehensile hands. Their arms are rather short in comparison to their long body. Many of them don the attire of warriors, usually armor and such. They wear their battle scars proudly.

Ecology and Habitats

The Toskr communities are tight-knit and very much bound to their duties as a race of land protectors. Most of the Toskr population is based around their tree cities and other coniferous dwellings where they can survey the forest. Toskr villages consist of many small buildings located high among the branches, usually spread out among several trees. An elaborate highway of vine ladders and bridges connect their buildings. A village is difficult to see from the ground and in practice, the Toskr vigilant scouts make it impossible for an intruder to come within a mile of one without their knowledge.   If a tribe becomes too large for the immediate area, a group, mainly younger couples, breaks off to found a new village. Toskr will form villages around Heart-Oak trees, Oak trees blessed with souls by the world tree in Ithavol.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The squirrel-folk live by foraging. Dozens of small bands strike out daily from early spring to late fall to gather food, water, and other necessities. Surplus is stored away for the winter. Unlike true squirrels, Toskr do not hibernate. They are less active in the winter, and often sleep for much greater lengths of time. At least a third of the tribe remains active at all times in the event of a threat. Toskr are strictly vegetarian; despite their archery skill, they do not hunt. Foraging expeditions rarely take them more than 10 miles from the village.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tribal societies, commonly based of similar Toskr. Nonhierarchical with most important figures being the chief steward, the best warrior and scout, and shaman, their most prominent magic user, these positions are transitory with communities being able to call for votes or challenges.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Toskr have strong perception abilities that range between species. Black Toskr can see in the dark, while grey have particularly keen sight at spotting details and red Toskr have quick eyes to match their speed.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Dryads and treants are important to Toskr culture, religion and heritage. As they are born of blessed oaks of the world tree, they are like as a manifestation of Yggdrasill itself and must be protected. The Blessed Oaks are the center of these species and others like wood elves, druids, rangers, certain bugbears and halflings recognize their importance.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Toskr family names follow the tradition of a sylablle ending in the -R consonant. Their first names are usually inspired by forest noun combinations, intended to be beautiful, dramatic or fierce.   Veldr Brightleaf Bindr Tallflower Caskr Thornheart

Major Organizations

The most powerful thing close to a organization is the collection of rangers, druids and barbarians of Vigils clearing.

Beauty Ideals

Toskr pride is their tail. Lots of effort is made with maintaining its appearance , weather braided with charms or fluffed up & pristine. Toskr normally keep within their own species for matches as they cannot cross breed and beastial nature involves different standards.

Gender Ideals

It can be difficult for other races to tell Toskr genders apart, especially because their names and pitch of voice doesn't help much. Toskr find this amusing but have no problem on their own.

Average Technological Level

Toskr do not delve into technological advancement much, as though they are curious they don't have the patience to apply innovative method or infrastructure. Instead they are masters of landscape, ecology and local secrets. Having caches stored around the wilderness, tracking threats and looking for interesting things, Toskr have the lay of the land and their tools assist them in this. Spy glasses, Start chart navigation and other tools are of most interest to them.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most common languages for Toskr and common and sylvan, though they are very good and picking up new languages.

Common Etiquette Rules

1) Don't touch the tale   2) Don't take from a cache unless you replace or make a new one at a later date.   3) Respect the forest

Common Dress Code

Toskr have a interesting relationship with clothing. They at once don't require it, but are also fascinated by it. They often wear elaborate accessories of hats or headdress, cloaks and other trinkets. They dress less for practicality and more impression as their can keep them warm in most weather.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Tribes in the same region meet on an annual basis (usually summer solstice) for a great festival. These celebrations last several days. The tribes renew familial ties, hold council on matters of mutual concern, introduce young adults to possible mates, and exchange goods and information. Music, song, dance, story-telling, friendly contests of archery, tumbling and speed, as well as an overabundance of food and blackberry wine, round out the festive nature of the gathering.


Toskr are born of the foresight and preparations of Ratatoskr, the squirrel messager god of Yggdrasill. For eons he ran between Thorondor, the Great Eagle that sees the World, who nested in the most upper branches of the world tree and Nidhogg, the Corpse Eater Serpent, who gnawed at the roots deep in Helheim, guarding one of the wells of the world tree. He scurried between the two passing messages and insults from one who could see all, and another who knew all the secrets of the dead, and in this he gained his own knowledge and power, and would often manipulate the other two to his own ends. It was his prepared Holt in the world tree that became the sanctuary that Freya and her coven sought, and for its access he bargained his own part in the ritual. As he is tied to Yggdrasill, he wished for his own race to go forth amongst the realms and explore, with the result being the curious Toskr folk.   They were among the first that arose from the gift of Lif and Lifraiser under the watchful eye of Ratatoskr. They took easily to the took to the forest of the world especially in places of Veradence of Vanheim. They would form symbiotic relationships with Treants and Dryads that would emerge and fiercely protect the forest form outsiders.    There have been no organized armies or conquests by Toskr, other than the claiming of forests which sometimes entails conflict with other sapient beings, but there have been many heroes and great adventures, as their curiosity and natural abilities make them well suited to the spirit of the age.

Common Myths and Legends

Faced with ethical dilemma, Toskr seek precedent in the fables of Ratatoskr the Clever — the mythical patriarch of the race — and try to emulate his example. Besides being entertaining stories of adventure in their own right — tales of Ratatoskr thwarting monstrous evil spiders, outwitting oafish giants (humans), questing to the ends of the earth for enchanted ever-striking arrows and the like — the fables contain lessons to guide the Toskr through all as of life. They are essential to every young Toskr education.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Strangers traveling through Toskr lands will be trailed and their actions scrutinized (ideally without the Toskr revealing their presence) and allowed to pass unhindered if they do not cause harm to the forest. This remains the case even with obviously evil creatures such as orcs and goblins. The only exceptions to the Toskr’ elusiveness include certain sylvan neighbors who share an interest in preserving the woodland. Toskr have ties of friendship and alliance to elves, sprites, and treants. They are indispensable to their elven neighbors, as they convey messages between camps, run errands, and keep them up to date on the latest happenings of the greater forest. In exchange, the elves serve at times as guardians and mentors for the squirrel-folk’s children. Young Toskr delight in the company of these elegant, graceful beings, running amok through their homes and pestering their elves friends with endless questions and requests for talk of “olden times”. Most elves seem to genuinely enjoy the Toskr’ company as well. On infrequent occasions, some human rangers and druids have made contact with and befriended (and been befriended by) the Toskr. A few bolder Toskr have been known to befriend parties of good-aligned adventurers, especially those containing elves, acting as guides and otherwise helping with their knowledge of the wilderness. Such examples of eccentric behavior are uncommon.
70 Years
Average Height
3-4 Feet
Average Weight
60-150 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Red Toskr: Auburn, orange, browns tinged with red or white highlights.
  • Grey Toskr: Greys, whites with with dark highlights
  • Black Toskr: Blacks, Dark greys with light highlights highlights.

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Cover image: Banner Saga Backround by stoic studio


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