Fleatsprot Black market Building / Landmark in Ithica | World Anvil

Fleatsprot Black market

In the aftermatht of the trading co's cult and murder spree it became clear there were ways into Fleatsprot outside In Mul's view. as such a black market has formed. This undergorund market worked by pirates thieves and rogues is in the exstensive cave system discover near the shore. this cave system was hidden by its seaside entrance only ebing available at dark and its caves formerly being flooded during the day. but witht a combination of magic and enginerring the tunnes now acts as a not so secret market. headin out the east side of two and to the farside of the penisula the entrance to the black market can be found.
  the market mostly deals in valuables, jewelery, art, exspensive dishware and acoutrement. There are regualrily blind auction on "salvaged" chests
  The current auction is for and coral and barnicle encrusted chest wrapped in chains. this chest contains 1d10 bags of 100 gold pieces 2d10 bags of 100 silver pieces and a piece of blackheart iron blade and a dead Kraken egg. if the egg is touched by bare hand it kraks realeasing a CKraken ghost which starts attacking everything around it.
  there is also a gambler who intentionally loses he has a coin of purse snatching. this coin when added to an amount of other coin can be summoned back bringing with it up to 100 additional gold pieces from the bag it was put in.


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