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Physical Attributes: Goblins are small and nimble creatures, typically standing between 3 to 4 feet tall. They have slender builds, pointed ears, and sharp, mischievous features. In a low-magic setting, goblins may have adapted to their environment, developing camouflage capabilities and keen senses.   Cultural Background: Goblins are known for their resourcefulness, adaptability, and cunning. They are skilled scavengers, survivalists, and opportunistic traders. In a low-magic setting, their culture may focus more on their practical skills, such as craftsmanship, trap-making, and acquiring valuable resources.   Special Abilities: Goblins possess a natural affinity for stealth and survival skills. They excel in ambush tactics, trap-setting, and making use of their surroundings to gain an advantage. In a low-magic setting, their abilities may be more grounded in their physical agility and cunning nature.   Relationship with Regions: Goblins are often found in diverse environments, such as forests, caves, and abandoned ruins. They may have come to Castle Haven due to the abundance of trade opportunities, seeking resources to fuel their crafts or utilizing their skills as scouts and informants.   Why They Came to Castle Haven: Goblins might have been drawn to Castle Haven as a hub of commerce and bustling activity. They recognize the potential for profit and opportunity in a central trading hub. Additionally, their talents in stealth and information gathering make them valuable assets for various factions in Castle Haven.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Lurkessa, Sneakara, Shadra, Nimblea, Whispera, Swifta

Masculine names

Skulk, Stalk, Snipe, Quickthorn, Shadow, Dart

Family names

Quickfingers, Shadowfoot, Stalkblade, Nightshade, Swiftarrow, Silentstep


Major language groups and dialects

Primarily speak Goblin, a language characterized by its rough and guttural tones. They may also be proficient in Common and other languages spoken in Castle Haven.

Culture and cultural heritage

Revolves around survival, resourcefulness, and adaptability. They have a strong sense of community and rely on each other's skills to thrive in challenging environments. They have storytelling traditions that recount tales of legendary goblin tricksters and cunning adventurers.

Shared customary codes and values

Value resourcefulness, adaptability, and survival skills. They have a knack for seizing opportunities and finding creative solutions to challenges. They also hold cunning and agility in high regard.

Average technological level

Skilled craftsmen, specializing in practical inventions such as traps, mechanisms, and improvised tools. They have expertise in scavenging and repurposing materials to create functional devices.

Common Etiquette rules

Value assertiveness and direct communication. They appreciate individuals who can think on their feet and respond quickly to changing situations. Respect is earned through displays of skill and cunning.

Art & Architecture

Craftsmanship is often utilitarian, focusing on functionality rather than aesthetics. Their structures may blend with their natural surroundings, utilizing natural materials and hidden passages to maximize their advantage in defensive positions.

Foods & Cuisine

Have adapted to thrive on limited resources, often incorporating foraged ingredients into their meals. They are skilled in preparing hearty stews, roasted game, and preserved foods that can sustain them during their nomadic lifestyle.

Common Myths and Legends

The Whispering Shadows A mythical tale that speaks of a secret network of goblin spies and information brokers, capable of infiltrating any organization or faction. Shadowblade's Heist A legendary story of a goblin thief who orchestrated a daring heist, stealing a priceless artifact from a heavily guarded castle.

Historical figures

Grimsnarl the Clever A legendary goblin trickster known for his masterful feats of deception and his ability to outwit adversaries. Shanksplitter Sharpfang A renowned goblin warrior who led a successful rebellion against oppressive forces, gaining freedom and respect for his people.

Major organizations

Goblin Clan Confederation An alliance of goblin clans that promotes cooperation, trade, and the sharing of knowledge among goblin communities. @Shadow A clandestine organization of goblin spies and infiltrators who gather information and sell their services to the highest bidder.

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