BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Campaign Timeline

A record of your party's experiences.

  • 5622

    1 /10

    2 /10

    A Shared Dream
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Your party bore witness to a strange office within a shared dreamscape. Maps, shelves and well-organized displays of military strategy and necromancy books and paraphernalia walled the hexagonal room around a broken sapphire sigil on the floor. Shephard gathered the maps and the open book of battle tactics.   Around you were 5 doors. Each bearing a symbol and each with their own environment seemingly unaware of you or the room's existence.   Etched Brain: An Elder Brain and Illithids, accompanied by Drow who'd succumbed to intellect devourers. Scratched Sylvanus: A peaceful, yet uninhabited forest, mid-solstice. Coin and Bones: A section of the Empty Basin with a dead tree where a nobelman supervised orc children grinding bones on a mill while under guard of hired mercenaries. Old Well: A hellscape throne room where a large demonic skeleton sat, observing a small fire. The demon offered Ignacious a wish. Carved Dragon: Unknown   Before they could enter the door with the dragon's head they heard screaming from behind it. An ethereal skeleton (clad in beautifully-maintained blue armor) stepped out burning blood from his bracers. Not responding to the 'visitors' who had knocked over his desk to hide, he went to the forest room, reached in to grab and break a thin, translucent green string. As he did the ground beneath the trees began to boil with what looked like disease.   Turning back to the office, he seemed suddenly aware of the guests. Extending his claw-like hand, he flicked a finger and everything went dark.   Immediately after, each of you awoke in the beds you had gone to sleep in the night before.

  • 5622

    3 /10

    10 /10

    Trip to Tanit
    Population Migration / Travel

    Five strangers make their way to Kyel Serin after a harsh nightmare. At the outpost town, they recognize each other from the dream. While awkwardly attempting to avoid each other, they run into a halfling merchant with a triceratops, Rhoda, selling fabrics and foreign raw materials. At the community kitchen they meet a Harengon (Rabbitfolk), Jeckyll, and a broody ranger, Hyde.    While there were plenty of merchants, their goods were ordinary. First Chance under the Stars was disappointed.   With little room to hide from each other, they eventually found their way to a table to discuss the events of the night before. Was it a dream? Did they invade each other minds? Did it really happen? Accusations and theories went back and forth while Deb danced with an empty glass of wine.   Focused on the desert location from their dream, they agreed the Empty Basin should be their first step - but Ignacious has travelled that desert extensively and with Jeckyll's reminder, knew he needed to replace his stolen tools for them to navigate it properly. He could locate another set at a large metropolis to the north, Tanit, one of the Four Corners of the Empty Basin.    Before leaving Shep made sure to confirm Rhoda had a loving owner... and they set out as a group north to Tanit. The trek is a week's walk. After a few days they come across a Chimera protecting its horde. Shep attempts to pin Iggy while he approaches the monster but it doesn't matter. They don't make it past before its dragon head notices them noticing its gold and it attacks.    After defeating the monster as a team, they raid its hoard and carve the carcass. First Chance cares nothing for the gold, but takes as much jewelry as allowed and adorns herself, cackling in strange voices all night at camp.   Another day or two north and they come across a Giff, Ilipir Mettengr, who has lost his horse and damaged his cart on the way for supplies before seeking Autumn's Grove. Our party helps him fix his cart and recover the horse who had gotten stuck in a ditch nearby. As thanks, Ilipir gifts them with an amulet of his royal family & and a partially used Deck of Many Things.   First Chance immediately pulls a card, and Second Chance follows suit... One gets stronger and the other loses all their worldly possessions; the many pounds of jewelry she got a few days earlier. So she pulls another card to get it back and comes face to face with her own Avatar of Death. Dispatching it quickly, her sister pulls a card herself to help her get her jewelry back and is gifted with the chance to alter fate.    Despite what they've been through and their goal in recovering their past, Second Chance pulled the card to help her sister; so she does. First Chance's jewelry is returned to her and Second Chance promptly hands what remains of the deck to Shephard for safe keeping.   They finally reach Tanit the next day - stronger for their journey.

  • 5622

    10 /10

    11 /10

    1st Night - New Town

    The tabaxi sisters spend the night at the Pleasure House, the Shifting Sands. They meet proprietor, Traegohn, and Ozath, an androgenous Tiefling singer, and are approached for an "evening of entertainment" by another patron, Janco, a large human. They decline Janco. Ozath learns Second Chance has a lot of anger. He/She leads both of them to a room filled with china and invites Second Chance to have at destroying it - which she gladly does. First Chance mimics Ozath's appearance and the aria they were singing when they entered to Ozath's excitement, they perform together in the restaurant. Shephard is unwilling to go to the pleasure house, and Ignacious is not going to leave him on his own. They find a homeowner in the Temple District offering rooms for the night. Shephard leaves Ignacious to the room and heads for the slums. He conjures 8 dairy cows and leads them through slums. He passes the large grainary and notices the boy who had been selling goods before. He knocks on the large wooden doors and disappears in a black portal. Shephard tries to open the door but it is locked from the inside, and attempts the knock he sow the boy do but nothing happens. He goes back to the cows. Most run from his silhouette, but once in the darkness a number of children approach the gentle cattle. Shephard offers milk to any who take interest and learns that these children have not only never seen a cow, but never had cheese. He spends the night teaching them how to make their own butter.   Ignacious finds a small bar behind the home he's renting a room in. A friendly waitress offers him a seat and he asks for a burger and whiskey. She brings both back and Ignacious warns she may want to bring a second glass of whiskey. She nods and offers him the whole bottle. He gladly accepts.

  • 5622

    10 /10

    10 /10

    Welcome to Tanit
    Financial Event

    From the entrance to Tanit, Ignacious leads you straight to the Merchant's Guild. You pass a young boy selling magic items he claims to have made himself on the edge of the slums, but he is chased off by a local guard before you can buy anything. Shephard accidentally steals a 1x/day Bag of Tricks, and pulls Yarl the Badger from it. At the Merchant's Guild, the attendant is unhelpful, denying Ignacious a new set of Navigation tools as his Guild membership is about to expire and supplies are short. He points you to a Wanted Poster on the wall, and a Tiefling in sitting at a large table for ways to raise the funds.   The tiefling is Albus Proca and is dining with Zarola Tibra. While Ignacious and Albus talk business, Zarola and First Chance fawn over jewelry. Albus refers you to his brother, Varzok, who leads the caravans, letting you know he'll be in the market tomorrow morning and can negotiate details. On the way out you find out Antelope Prancing, someone you saw at Kyel Serin, has also been hired to escort the caravan, and is returning home to Afaddin from Holiday.

  • 5622

    11 /10

    18 /10

    Proca Bros. Transport Part I

    The next morning they meet with Varzok at the market who warns them the trip is long but hires them at 250 gp per person. Ignasious asks to exchange some of that gold for a navigation set if possible and Varzok lets him know he'll ask his brother for a spare set and get back to him. The group heads to the caravan and helps get it loaded to head out that day. The first 3 days of the trip are uneventful, but the 7 become the target of a swarm of locusts. Second Chance and Ignasious opt to ... fight? the swarm but - it's a swarm of bugs. The locusts chew all the canvas protecting the goods, and as the swarm passes a group of Naga follow behind to pick the remaining scraps. The Naga are cautious, but are unable to get close enough to the goods to carry any away. Then 2 of them are cut down, one calls to the others telling her sisters to flee. Two start to get away but Second Chance holds one of them in place. She approaches to kill while Ignasious and Shephard approach to asking Second Chance release the Naga and show mercy as she is trying to run. Ignasious even offers to question her for information. Second Chance refuses and cuts her down despite her party members anger as her First Chance attempts to stand between her party and her sister. Ignasious and Shephard are not pleased and Second Chance makes it clear the Naga was just a monster and not worth allowing to live. First Chance speaks to her sister trying to understand where the anger is coming from and discovers it's recurring anger from their past.

  • 5622

    20 /10

    20 /10

    Night of Remembrance

    At camp in the Empty Basin with Varzok's Caravan, our party relaxed with each other as much as they could. Varzok approached Ignasious who brokered their hire and offered a set of navigation tools so he and his friends could follow any bandits that may attack them. Varzok wanted to split the reward for their location with Slagik.    After most of the caravan went to bed, a young orc came over frustrated that his pipe of remembrance wasn't earning him more 'street cred'. First Chance took tried it and the smoke revealed a humanoid delivering another humanoid body and a scroll to an armored person. This armored person held hands with the humanoid and used the scroll on the body. The humanoid on the ground turned into a tabaxi and Second Chance quickly waved the smoke away.    First Chance and Debonair both tried the pipe but conjured nothing... Ignasious' smoke showed a young man taking a cart and joining the Merchant's guild while an older man chased him down. Shephard's showed an elderly elf handing down a fur mantle to a younger elf, followed by drooping flowers swallowing up everything in the scene.

  • 5622

    21 /10

    23 /10

    Proca Bros. Transport Part II
    Criminal Activity

    Packed and travelling the next day, the caravan was ambushed by pale bandits. Debonari, Ignasious and Second Chance engaged the enemy while the rest of the caravan fled. Shephard and First Chance secured an exit strategy, releasing the horse and calling to their party. Debonair and Ignasious quickly returned to the cart and they fled into the distance; Second Chance reluctantly joined them soon later, killing one of them on the way out.    From a distance, they watched the bandits raid the cart as a brain with legs came crawling after the party. They quickly dispatched it and began to understand what they may be facing. For 1 day they followed the bandits, but they had to rest. Shephard sent some allies to follow and report their location. The next day they followed the vultures' directions and discovered a pit of sand draining beneath the earth.   They investigated but realized it would be a much larger commitment to infiltrate whatever may be down there and decided to head back towards some dead trees they saw in the distance: their original goal for entering the Empty Basin to Begin with. With a dragon in the sky, potentially Illithids behind them, they finally arrived at the 'forest' in the Empty Basin with the dead trees.

  • 5622

    22 /10

    Sacking the Cavern
    Plague / Epidemic

    Continuing down the tunnel our heroes discover an abandoned cavern carved into a living space. Rooms piled with gold attempt to lure them in but it's not until the last room with a tube of brining brains they finally enter and get trapped by stone itself forming bars behind them.    They discover Illithids and their thralls had been expecting them. One well-placed spell that opened a portal to another world took care of most of their enemies as they got out of their prison only to discover through First Chance hearing them speak in her mind that many more were coming. In a desperate attempt to clear the way, Debonair teleported to the entrance of an unseen room only to find even more powerful illithids and a brine pool of tadpoles.   A wall near the escapees opens to reveal even more illithids. Ignasious made himself large enough to block the door while Second Chance continued to pick off the thralls coming at them. A fireball burned up an illithid in the distance in the process of devouring Debonair's brain.    They finally managed to escape above ground after killing a dozen of them.

  • 5622

    23 /10

    23 /10

    Discovery of the Fey Dig Site
    Discovery, Exploration

    The forest of dead trees was heavily booby trapped. A massive stump revealed druidic and ancient elvish runes, documenting the ritual of a druidic circle that must've once lived in this place. They called themselves the Circle of the Sun.   Navigating the traps, they crossed the forest to a clearing with a dig site. Guards stood watch while children dug and ground the bones into powders. Shephard immediately put half the guards to sleep, alerting to rest to a threat. The battle was interrupted by a dragon crashing into the desert, obscuring the area, clearing to a heavily armored man with a tattered blue cloak holding the well-dressed man by the throat demanding answers.    Unsatisfied with what the man had to say, he chastised him for desecrating a sacred land and turned to the party, identifying Shephard, First Chance and Second Chance as all having been tainted before disappearing.   The party reached the well-dressed man and began interrogating him.

  • 5622

    23 /10 03:00

    23 /10 04:00

    The Sacking of the Tent
    Financial Event

    After Stripping Maddock, the party tied him up and agreed to bring the children to the house they learned of in their shared dream. Before leaving, they checked the tent and gathered up food supplies left behind for the security force. Also in the tent was a large, locked iron crate. Debonair was able to open the lock and they discovered a crate of gold, gems and magic items, likely used to pay the mercenaries.

  • 5622

    23 /10 04:00

    23 /10 05:00

    Reveal of the Changeling
    Life, Identity

    They debated what to do with Maddock - while he was bound and dropped in the now empty iron crate with Debonair watching over him. Ignasious was unsure about needing to kill him even though Shep had already decided. First Chance made the point that he seems to have useful knowledge and may be useful, but they didn't necessarily need him. She disappeared behind the crates and came out an exact copy of Maddock.   First Chance explained this is who she is, a Changeling, not just illusionary magic; a subject of many fairy tales in Itranov.

  • 5622

    23 /10 05:00

    23 /10 07:00

    Setting the Smoke Alarm
    Discovery, Scientific

    They decided to bring Maddock back alive to the house. On arrival they quickly set off a trap, alerting the Blades of Ilmater, and Grok, to the escape of the children. First Chance untied Maddock so he could be the "guinea pig" and open the door. In Maddock's house, he explained his work here is done and he will be leaving soon. He handed two relevant books to First Chance and Shepard (who also stole his private notes) based on what he heard them say through his "capture".    Ignasious discovered a wooden globe which he reviewed with Shephard that showed carved estimates of the realms of the material plane he recognized from his time at Fort Carn.   Debonair explained to the group that Grok is bad news, a muscle-bound orc that was an old accomplice that betrayed Debonair.    Combining the information from the books they were given and Maddock's commentary, they discovered the oldest building in the Empty Basin is the Grainery in Tanit where Shephard saw a young boy magically enter. Shephard also explained that whatever happened to the circle of the sun in the Empty Basin could be what's happening in his home and he desperately wants to get back  there to check on the status of the Autumn Grove.   While they combined their knowledge the children they had saved, gathered by the dinner table, suddenly vanished. Tracks were found outside a window leading to the northeast, but the children could not be seen in the distance. They agreed to sleep for the night,but keep watch in case these 'knights' came.

  • 5622

    24 /10 05:00

    25 /10 07:00

    Fire in the Hole

    In the morning, they decided to return to the sand pit that led down the tunnel, now that Shephard could safely fly them down. They arrived the morning of the 2nd day.   Shephard turned Second Chance into a Giant Flying Spider, terrifying Debonair, and turned into a giant bat himself. Together the group flew down the hole the sand was falling into and found the bottom of a cavern going east to west. The cavern itself was only 12 feet tall and a Grimlock pushing a cart came upon them. Dropping Ignasious on the ground, Shephard grabbed the monster with his claws and flew him 100 ft in the air with Debonair on his back. Dropping the monster to the ground killed it, only to reveal an intellect devourer.   Frozen by the trauma of the whole event, Debonair watched as the brain on legs dove back into the sand and disappeared. Ignasious, with Giant Flying Spider Second Chance and First Chance above him, saw the four-legged brain land on the pile of sand next to him. It swatted at Ignasious but was killed by a fireball from the ceiling by First Chance.

  • 5622

    25 /10

    Sacking the Cavern
    Plague / Epidemic

    Our heroes discovered an abandoned underground facility of some kind with rooms filled with gold. They were trapped in the last room with a large tomb of brains as the stone itself moved to block their exit discovering a clutch of Illithid that had been waiting for them. They still managed to escape and attacked their captors on their thralls.   First Chance had an unpredictable connection with them and discovered they were calling for help and had many more coming. After a difficult fight they finally fled the cave and made it back into the desert unsure if they were being followed.

  • 5622

    27 /10

    Introduction to Bim
    Life, Identity

    Reviewing their encounter in the cavern, the party finds out about First Chance's psionic abilities after she loses control and links everyone together psychically. Second Chance does not appreciate this and a fight breaks out.   First Chance explains she has a couple personalities that only recently became aware of each other. Second Chance already knew. This started after Second Chance had been taken over by an Intellect Devourer and First Chance was forced to kill him and bring him back; in the wrong body.   First Chance releases Bim - one of her alteregos; a confident, direct and probing goblin to meet her friends.

  • 5622

    27 /10 9:00

    Reporting to Slagik
    Gathering / Conference

    You caught up with Varzok Proca and his transport a few days from Tanit. Suspicious and confused about the new goblin, you joined the caravan back to Tanit where Varzok escorted you to Omega Company.   You met with Captain Slagik and reported the illithids you found in the caverns. Slagik was incredibly suspicious of your report, especially since Ignasious, one of his troublesome cadets. Even still, he rewards you and Varzok with 2500gp and says there will be more later if the intel is accurate.

  • 5622

    28 /10

    28 /10

    Searching the Old Grainery
    Discovery, Exploration

    After breaking into the old grainery, our heroes work through an illusory well and a floor filled with dark soil and large, violent and loud shrieking mushrooms.   On the top floor they found an old Illithid with dry, flaking skin and the young boy who had been selling magic items without a permit. The Mindflayer was once a member of a clutch from the Unnamed Mountains but fled to study the arcane. A Sapphire Knight gave him this home in exchange for the location of his people who had massacred the Changelings of the Unnamed Mountains.   He offered First Chance a tool that could protect her mind from invasion if she brought him back a Sapphire.

  • 5622

    29 /10

    29 /10

    New Allies
    Life, Relationship change

    While preparing at the Shifting Sands to head to Autumn Grove, Shephard ran into a man he had once helped. Feeling duty bound to support the man that saved him, and going in the same direction, SlashBurn joined the party.   Today First and Second Chance met a blast from their past as well: an old dwarf, Grumble, who knew their mother.   So new friends were made and rivalries started.

  • 5622

    29 /10

    8 /11

    To the Autumn Grove

    The party continued to Uo Ansari to stop before making their way to Autumn Grove and stock up on supplies. There, they ran into Maddock again and his father who had an unsettling amount of information on legends and myths that linked directly to the party's past. A small local boy also asked them to bring his father, hunting in the grove, some new 'hard butter' he got from the halfling trader, Nob. Slashburn also made friends with some local orcs celebrating freedom, and Dagoza, returning to Harikhat to find her brother Shadbak.   Having collected the supplies they were looking for, they moved on to the wood and camped next to it for the evening.

  • 5622

    9 /11

    9 /11

    The Great Drinking Game

    The party set up camp just outside the wood, avoiding entering at night. Bim beat Slashburn in an arm wrestling match and Slashburng beat Grumble in a drinking game. Fun all around - Except for Shep.    Shephard communed with the wood and discovered an injured Illipir, undead and hostile fey in his forest. After recovering the injured Giff, the party decided to finally open that corked vial of wine only to discover a Drunk dao slaver who had been placed inside it by a dragon. The party attacked him and he dissolved into crystalline dust.

  • 5622

    10 /11

    15 /11

    Into the Autumn Grove

    The next morning, the party cautiously entered the wood. In their long trek towards Shepherd's home they crossed Bodak (shadow mercenaries), cloaked shadow fey and baleful hounds. The Dryad, Oake, was being tormented by darklings. Once freed she made it clear Shepherd's wife was back, angry and Oake expected HIM to "fix it". She also let Shepherd know these fey and shadow creatures all appeared right after he left the wood.   Daylight, provided only through magic, was enough to drive the shadow creatures away while they moved forward.   Shepherd's home, built inside an ancient tree, had become a warzone. Boggle and Redcaps destroyed it in their fighting. Once they cleared out the fey, Shep discovered the library of his people's history was empty and he reeled trying to piece together happened.   SlashBurn began cleaning up, trying to show his ally his home wasn't destroyed; and Second Chance helped. First Chance fretted about leaving and blamed Shep for the state of the place only to illicit the most emotional response Shepherd had ever displayed to the party. Everyone agreed they promised to follow him in, they would follow him forward.   They continued to Shepherd's old town, hoping the books he sought would be there.   The village was mostly grown over, but still brighter than the forest. They could finally tell it was close to sunset. Ahead of them stood more darklings, hounds and in the blue fog in the distance was Ielania: Shepherd's late wife. She looked directly at them as did the other creatures, none moving.   Shepard gave little opportunity engage before approaching Ielania immediately and pinning her and her allies in place. His party caught up, realizing their normal weapons were unhelpful, his allies worked through Ielania's minions as best they could. Second Chance's Hex Blade retracted altogether attempting to attack the Darklings. He realized the symbol on their crest matched the one on the hilt of his magical blade and they called him brother... Unable to attack them himself, First Chance cleared them out allowing everyone to finally assist Shephard with Ielania once he was willing to accept help.   The storm over the Lost Peaks in the distance continued to rage, knocking a huge part of the mountain from the side of the range as the party made their final attack on Ielania. SlashBurn hesitantly made the final blow. A portal opened and a demon, Elmoth, appeared, disappointed she had been defeated. He personally collected the souls left behind before disappearing back into a portal he opened up.   Before anyone could process what just happened, the lich appeared immediately after Elmoth bade goodbye. He was surprised and frustrated to see the party again where he was chasing his quarry. Suspicious of their presence, Phodos warned them if he saw them cross paths with whatever he's chasing again he would be forced to assume they are involved and remove them from the equation. Recognizing his armor, Grumble physically struck Phodos after he silenced him to get his attention. Recognizing Grumble, Phodos imbued his hammer with lightning; realizing he would be trying to save what remained of the people Phodos had sworn to protect. Then Phodos himself back into the clouds.   The party finally had the chance to process what they had seen and Shepard tended to Ielania's remains. The party approached and called to her, Ielania claimed to be to returned thanks to a wish Shep made, granted by a demon Elmoth. The blue fog was actually the souls of the last people to die by the plague. Ielania asked Shepherd to close the leyline to save the forest from the shadows and the fey; but Shepherd refused.   The party returned to Shep's hut to discuss their next steps and rest for the evening. Ultimately they decided they wanted leave since Ielania did not attack Shepherd. Shepherd, however, and Second Chance agreed she had to die. Nightmares tormented Shepherd through the evening and he was unable to get any rest. Everyone but Second Chance fell even deeper into the Shadow Sickness.   Without much option to recover, the party followed Shepherd to kill what he believed was NOT his wife.

  • 5622

    17 /12

    17 /12

    Passing the Celestial Gate
    Cultural event

    Leaving the forest, you headed south to Illipir's camp. Now fully recovered, he guided you to the Celestial Gate to meet with Flavell, the druid of Spring Forest. Despite some pushback from the Gatekeeper, you entered under Illipir's family name. He leaves you at the gate and moves forward, inviting you to his home of Seagate.   You spent some time at the gate shopping and interacting. The small fortress was set up like a market filled with locals fascinated by any foreigners.   Shephard secured some spell materials from Daana Bluefeather, Second Chance purchased growth potions from Brewbeak, Slashburn was directed to find someone who knows about dragons themselves to upgrade his weapon as well as warned away from the "scaled ones", and Grumble dropped his shield off for improvement while Bim managed to entertain the locals.

  • 5622

    18 /12

    18 /12

    Meeting the Grung
    Diplomatic action

    Leaving the gate behind you went to Spring Grove. At the edge of the forest, frog folk argued with one of their own from the tops of the trees, with blue lizard-looking people ducking behind a cliff. One of the frogfolk eventually made their way to the ground and one of the lizard people shot lightning up at the treetops, distracting the frogs long enough for them to flee.   After witnessing this, you approached the frogs and p'Oob, a golden grung, led you through the treetops to their village to meet with their chief, d'Oh p'Oh. On the way, he briefly explained the blue lizards were once them and demanding they change their ways (slavery/racism in general).   The Grung chief demanded Shephard prove he was a druid before allowing you to take a makeshift elevator to the forest floor and the entrance to the Spring Grove.

  • 5622

    19 /12

    20 /12

    Meeting Flavell
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Finally reaching Flavell, he confirmed for you whatever plague may have ravaged Shephard's people was no longer present in the Autumn Grove. Instead, some new sort of sickness took its place - at least one that could be healed. It could possibly be due to the intense amount of magic and creatures flooding into Shephard's grove from the Shadowfell itself. Flavell was unsure how to even begin addressing it without completely closing the leylines that connect their world to the others.   The old gnome also noted Sylvanus's presence is no longer in either grove, and based on what Shephard told him from his ancient books, it sounds like Phodos has somehow disconnected Sylvanus from access to the Material Plane altogether. Flavell was not immediately concerned since it seemed to him more like a personal dispute, as well as his forest being relatively unaffected by Sylvanus's lack of presence.   Shepard dealt with the realization that his god wiped out his people over a woman. And it wasn't even the first time Sylvanus had done it...   Whatever may be done about Syvlanus, the Autumn Grove is still plagued by the Shadowfell. After the Spring Grove's Pixie festival, a grove druid told them about a cave where their leyline to the shadowfell came close enough to commune with the realm, so they decided to go.

  • 5622

    20 /12

    20 /12

    Confronting Shar
    Gathering / Conference

    On the way to the cave where the spring grove druid communes with the shadowfell, they found the same Grung monk they saw outside the forest. He had another green grung with him and was showing him one of many dead green grung around the mouth of the cave. The party gave them space to leave after asking about the bodies, apparently sacrifices to appease any beasts that enter from the Shadowfell.   They found a meditation pool in the cave and Shephard meditated. While he projected into the Astral plane, his allies fought off shadow creatures from his body. Unsuccessfully negotiating with Shar, Shephard returned and helped them fight. In exchange for pulling her forces from the Autumn Grove, she wants some other land such as the Empty Basin. Once ready, she advised Shephard to return to the shadowfell in person through a Shadow Crossing with her champion (Second Chance).