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Kenonulous, a name adopted on arrival to Waterdeep, is a man trying his best to get his life back on track, and make amends for past wrongs.   He originally came to Waterdeep many years ago in an attempt to expand his horizons beyond his humble country upbringing, but after running out of money he quickly turned to (mostly) petty crime to survive. A job-gone-wrong caused him to go underground for a while, before becoming a fixture at the Yawning Portal, seducing women to secure food and shelter.   After joining the Trollslayers (and the Lord's Alliance) he finds himself with a home, some modest wealth and standing, and a new self-imposed responsibility to the People of Waterdeep (though he maintains a healthy distrust of authority figures).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kenonulous is a 30-year-old, male human with dark hair and frosted tips, styled into Waterdeep's fanciest undercut, and dark brown eyes that never seem to rest on any one object for too long. He's a little less than average height with a svelte, nimble body; tanned and lightly-weathered skinned remains as one of the few remnants of his upbringing on his moms' pipeweed farm.

Facial Features

Extremely handsome, and he knows it.

Apparel & Accessories

His day-to-day wear includes a black and pastel-blue leather jerkin with shortened sleeves and a white floral pattern embroidered on it. A puffy-sleeved white blouse lies underneath (often with the sleeves rolled up), tucked into a pair of light brown trousers, with drawstrings just below the knees to tie the legs up for increased mobility. He wears supple Whaterdhavian sandals over cloth foot wrappings to keep his footsteps light, and to provide a place to hide a couple of knives.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kenonulous prefers not to talk about his past, as he is embarrassed by many things.

Gender Identity





No formal education, but plenty of "street smarts' - he knows the streets of Waterdeep like the back of his favorite hand.


Since arriving at Waterdeep, he has not had, or pursued, gainful employment. Nowadays, he's a part-owner of the North Ward's sexiest new tavern.

Failures & Embarrassments

[See section "Life Before the Trollslayers"]

Morality & Philosophy

"Do unto others before they do unto you."


Family Ties

His moms still work their pipeweed farm to the Southeast, and occasionally come to Waterdeep to sell their product when there isn't a demand nearby, or for festivals. Kenonulous hasn't contacted them since leaving home.

Hobbies & Pets

Matias is a mouse that clambers about Kenonulous' person from time to time, often seen poking his head out of various pockets or scampering about nearby searching for niblets. Matias is untrained, but he and Kenonulous share a strong bond of friendship nonetheless.
It is unknown how long Kenonulous has kept Matias, but it seems as though Matias is exceptionally long-lived for a mouse.

Wealth & Financial state

Not much; Kenonulous is beginning to realize that bankrolling his compatriots' mistakes isn't the best way to keep cash in-hand.
Neutral, mostly
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord's Alliance: Red Knife
Harpers: Harp Shadow
Date of Birth
Approximately 30 years ago
A bit East of Daggerford
Current Residence
The Smoke & Stagger
Dark, with frosted tips, in a fancy, styled undercut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
5' 8"
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Elven, and Thieves' Cant

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