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Summerstrider of Waterdeep Starchild (a.k.a. Moonray aka Sunburst aka Sunchild aka (etc.))

Starchild has been described many ways by many people: lover of life, loyal to friends and family, danger to himself and others. One thing is for certain though: Starchild is chaos personified. Though Starchild does not himself know this, his current state of being is the result of delving too deeply into the study of wild magic. While the chaotic magic he now employs (and takes for granted) gives him great arcane power, it also has robbed him of his past memories. Worse still, there is some risk that the more he becomes attuned to the power of chaos, the more it will take over his mind and personality.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Classic old man strength. Not unhealthy, but sure not a good look.

Facial Features

Only ever seen wearing sunglasses, due to intensely sensitive eyes. Has a tattoo of an eye on his forehead.

Identifying Characteristics

The tattoo and sunglasses would make him stand out on their own, but he can also be identified as “the little old man surrounded by smoke shouting about the government”.

Physical quirks

Generally carrying a lit pipe, which he is VERY careless about ashing.

Apparel & Accessories

He has a fairly large wardrobe, but most of it conforms to a few broad themes: earth tones, loose fitting, and fraying. He is also quite fond of wide-brimmed floppy hats, but not particularly fashionable ones.

Mental characteristics


He seems to know how to read and write, though not particularly well. He can struggle through a paragraph in about 5-10 minutes, and usually get the general gist of what was written.


Since returning to Waterdeep, has mostly gotten buy doing odd jobs and acting as a roadie for different bands.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Somehow, Starchild has begun rising in the ranks of the Waterdeep Emerald Enclave. Theoretically, his strikingly careless use of fire magic may prove an impediment towards this progress at some point in the future.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

Surprisingly little since losing his memory.

Intellectual Characteristics

Reminiscent of a goldfish in his capacity for learning and knowledge.

Morality & Philosophy

He has a vague sense of wanting to help those around him, but this tends to be counterbalanced by his tendency to pursue his first instinct in any given situation.

Personality Characteristics


If he were to actually sit down and think about his goals, he might remember that he came to Waterdeep to try and rediscover his past. In practice, he mostly seems to just like hanging out with the Troll Slayers, or pursuing the nearest source of entertainment.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at talking his way out of trouble, bad at staying out of trouble.


Contacts & Relations

The Troll Slayers, plus employees and neighbors of the Smoke and Stagger.
The Emerald Enclave (especially Melanore Fellbranch).

Wealth & Financial state

Very little.

Drug-addled old sorcerer who is a bit too in tune with chaos. Suffering from memory loss after many years abroad, he came back to Waterdeep to uncover his past (but seems to have gotten distracted from that goal). Possibly used to be a dark wizard.

Current Location
The Smoke & Stagger/ The Cat Palace
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Chaotic Good(?)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Summerstrider of Waterdeep
Date of Birth
Current Residence
The Smoke and Stagger/ The Cat Palace
Bloodshot, usually
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
208 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I don’t really remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure I had a good time.”
Known Languages
Common, Elven, and Dwarfish.

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