Barbarian - Path of the Juggernaut

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Juggernaut stand so resolutely that none can deter them, and they swing their weapons with such force that all who stand against them are flung aside. In might and in spirit, juggernauts are immovable object and unstoppable force all at once.   Juggernaut barbarians can be found all over Iuernia, and are common among the titanblood warriors that wander the Expanse of Muyropa. Some dwarves and humanoid survivalists of the Ogromgory Peaks and the Fallowscar Mountains adopt this fighting style as an extension of their rugged determinism.  
Example Path of the Juggernaut Barbarian
  Kel’jaia Uloeh Female gnome Path of the Juggernaut barbarian   When Kel’jaia sets her eyes on something, nothing can stop her from achieving it. Her small size has no bearing on her unbelievable strength, which can overpower creatures many times her size. She came to Tal’Dorei after the village on the Rifenmist Peninsula she was defending was razed by the Iron Authority. She first arrived in Syngorn, and through the connections and friendships she made there, was chosen to be a Syngornian delegate to the Tal’Dorei Council. She strongly believes that Tal’Dorei should take a stand against the cruelty of the Authority. Should strife come to Tal’Dorei, Kel’jaia is thought by all to be the council’s first choice for the Master of War, due to her valor, tactical cunning, and battle prowess.
This content is found in the book Tal'dorei Campaign Setting: Reborn from Darrington Press / Critical Role.
3rd Level: Thunderous Blows
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage instills you with the strength to shove and smash your way through your foes, making any battlefield your domain. When you hit a creature with a melee attack while you’re raging, you can push that creature up to 5 feet away from you in a direction of your choice. A creature that is Huge or larger makes a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a success, the creature is not pushed.   Starting at 10th level, you can push a creature up to 10 feet when you hit it with a melee attack while you’re raging.  
3rd Level: Spirit of the Mountain
At 3rd level, you harness your fury to anchor your feet to the ground, becoming a bulwark of strength. While you are raging, you can’t be knocked prone or moved along the ground against your will.
6th Level: Demolishing Might
Starting at 6th level, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage to constructs, and deal double damage to objects and structures.  
6th Level: Resolute Stance
Also at 6th level, you can temporarily refocus your combat ability to make yourself a bulwark of defense. At the start of your turn (no action required), you can assume a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in this stance, you can’t be grappled, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and your weapon attacks are made with disadvantage.
10th Level: Hurricane Strike
Starting at 10th level, your blows can hurl foes through the air and into the attacks of your allies. As a reaction when you push a creature at least 5 feet, you can then leap into an unoccupied space next to the creature. If you do so, the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or be knocked prone. This leap costs no movement and does not provoke opportunity attacks.   Additionally, whenever you push a creature into a space within 5 feet of one of your allies, the ally can use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.  
14th Level: Unstoppable
At 14th level, your fury in battle makes you unstoppable. While you’re raging, your speed cannot be reduced, and you are immune to the frightened, paralyzed, prone, and stunned conditions. If you are frightened, paralyzed, or stunned, you can still use a bonus action to enter a rage (even if you can’t otherwise take actions). You aren’t affected by any of these conditions while you’re raging.


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