Bard - College of Alchemy

Bards of this college see alchemy as a dance between the elements of the world. It’s not bound by the rules of chemistry, and while it can be learned through dedication and study, it can also be felt and intuited by those with a knack for it. Some of these bards go so far as to sing to their alchemical projects, convincing the elements within to simply become something else of their own volition. While most of the College of Alchemy are alchemists by trade, many others are brewers, cooks, or pharmacists. Regardless of their trades, these unusual alchemical savants bend music, magic, and the elements to their will to convert one to another in seamless harmony.  


  When you join the College of Alchemy at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. If you’re already proficient with alchemist’s supplies, you instead gain proficiency with either brewer’s supplies or cook’s utensils. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check using one of these tools, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Intelligence or Wisdom, for the check.  

Bardic Fire

  Also starting at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can magically refill your empty vials with a special alchemist’s fire called bardic fire. The maximum number of these vials that you can have at a time is equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You also magically refill one empty vial with bardic fire whenever you grant a creature a Bardic Inspiration die. You must have an empty vial or similar container on your person with which to contain the bardic fire in order to fill one with it.   As an action, you can throw a vial of bardic fire, shattering it on impact. When thrown, the vial has a normal range of 30 feet and a long range of 90 feet. You are proficient with this ranged attack, which uses Charisma instead of Strength or Dexterity for its attack rolls. On a hit, it deals fire damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier, and the target burns for 1 minute. For the duration, roll a Bardic Inspiration die at the start of each of your turns; the target takes fire damage equal to the result. A creature can end this effect early by using its action to make a Dexterity check against your bard spell save DC, extinguishing the flames on a success. A target can be affected by only one vial of bardic fire at a time.   If a vial of bardic fire isn’t on your person at the end of a turn, its contents vanish early.   The fire damage dealt upon impact—but not the damage dealt at the start of each of your turns—increases by an additional Bardic Inspiration die when you reach certain levels in this class: 6th level (two Bardic Inspiration dice), and 14th level (three Bardic inspiration dice).  

Spell Potions

  At 6th level, you can use an action to create a magical potion by casting a spell into a vial or similar container. The container is magically filled with a potion recreating the spell. A creature can drink the potion using an action, causing it to be affected by the spell as if you’d cast it. Alternatively, if the target is an object, a creature can use an action to pour the potion over it, affecting the object with the spell as normal.   To be eligible for a spell potion, a spell must be one of your bard spells of 6th level or lower, have a casting time of 1 action, and target either a creature or object. The spell also can’t require concentration or be an evocation or conjuration spell. If the spell requires you to decide an appearance, effect, or message when you cast it, you make that decision when the spell potion is created.   An unused potion vanishes from its container when you finish a long rest or when you use this feature again.  

Improved Potency

  Starting at 14th level, you’ve become a master of mixing potions and bardic fires. If you create a second spell potion while you still have one, the first potion doesn’t vanish from its container, but it does if you create a third. When you use an action to drink or administer a potion, you can use a bonus action to throw a bardic fire.   In addition, you can change the element of your bardic fires. When a bardic fire hits a target, choose either air, earth, fire, or water; its effects and impact damage type depend on the chosen element. The effects for air, earth, and water replace the normal bardic fire’s burning effect and do not deal fire damage at the start of each of your turns for the duration.   A target can be affected by multiple bardic fires at the same time, but only if each one is a different element. If a creature succeeds on the ability check to end the effects of a bardic fire affecting it or another creature, any other bardic fires affecting the target also end.   Air. This bardic fire deals lightning damage upon impact, instead of fire. In addition, roll a Bardic Inspiration die. A powerful gust erupts from the container, pushing the target up to 5 feet away from you, plus the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die (rounded up to the nearest 5 feet). Alternatively, you can use an action to throw this bardic fire harmlessly at the ground below yourself or another willing creature, pushing you or that creature that same distance in a direction of your choice without provoking opportunity attacks.   Earth. This bardic fire deals bludgeoning damage upon impact, instead of fire. In addition, roll a Bardic Inspiration die. The target is encased in a muddy shell that rapidly hardens, reducing its speed by 5 feet, plus the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die (rounded up to the nearest 5 feet). A target’s speed can’t be reduced to less than 10 feet in this way. A creature can end this effect by using its action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your bard spell save DC to remove the muddy shell.   Fire. Your normal bardic fires are associated with this element. However, its damage now ignores resistance and immunity to fire damage.   Water. This bardic fire deals cold damage upon impact, instead of fire. In addition, roll a Bardic Inspiration die. A flood of chilling water pours forth from the container and freezes on the ground directly below it. Choose a number of contiguous 5-foot spaces equal to one plus the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die, starting with a space directly below the target. Each of those spaces is covered with slick ice, making it difficult terrain. When a creature enters one of these spaces for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your bard spell DC. On a failed save, it falls prone. The ice remains for 1 minute or until you use this bardic fire again.


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